Women in Business

The Chamber’s Women in Business program seeks to bring our region’s women together to share experiences, expertise, and excitement, all while further developing skills that will serve both their personal and professional lives.

Our Program

Designed to empower women by giving them the tools they need to succeed in the workplace and beyond, The Chamber’s Women in Business program addresses topics that are important to female professionals, including branding, creating a work/life balance, and negotiation skills.

Events include Women’s Network luncheons and International Women’s Day events.

For more information, contact Mari Potis, director of membership and events, at mpotis@scrantonchamber.com.


EMPOWER is the premier Women’s Leadership Conference in NEPA and highlights the ability all women have to create positive change in their communities and in their own lives – both professionally and personally – while recognizing the extraordinary power that exists when women come together to support each other.


The ATHENA Award is presented to an exceptional individual who has achieved excellence in her/his business or profession, has served the community in a meaningful way and has assisted women in their attainment of professional goals and leadership skills. The award takes the form of a hand-cast bronze sculpture symbolizing the strength, courage and wisdom of the recipient. The Chamber believes in the values underlying ATHENA International’s philosophy of incorporating the talent and expertise of women into the leadership of our businesses, our communities and our government.