Aaron Whitney is the director of facilities and asset management for The Chamber. In this position, he is responsible for the administration of finances, design and construction for The Scranton Lackawanna Industrial Building Company (SLIBCO), our industrial development affiliate. Aaron will also manage all the real estate and utilities owned by The Chamber, as well as manage The Chamber’s IGNITE incubator program, assisting entrepreneurs in growing and sustaining their startup companies. Prior to joining The Chamber, Whitney was the director of public safety/assistant director of operations for Prizm Asset Management Company. Before that, he worked as a correctional officer at United States Penitentiary Lewisburg. He is a graduate of Mansfield University and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice. He is a member of the International Facilities Management Association, the International Business Innovation Association, and ASIS International, where he holds the Certified Protection Professional designation. He also sits on the board of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Advisory Committee, the Lackawanna/Luzerne Transportation Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Redevelopment Authority of Lackawanna County, and the tecBridge Board of Directors. Contact Aaron Email: AWhitney@ScrantonChamber.com Phone: (570) 342–7711 ext. 152