Katie’s Place Clubhouse to Open Soon Katie’s Place Clubhouse is a new service for individuals who live with mental illness. We are preparing to move into our new site and are actively recruiting new members. In our Clubhouse, members work alongside staff as colleagues to perform the work of the Clubhouse. We have a Hospitality unit where things such as cooking, cleaning, selling snacks, planning social activities and parties and other tasks are performed, depending on the needs of the day. In our Clerical Unit, tasks are more computer and office-based work like newsletters, secretarial and financial tasks. Visit our website for more info! http://katiesplaceclubhouse.org Address: 247 Penn AveScranton, Pennsylvania 18509United States
Misericordia University Hosts Event About Illness and Aging Embark on a transformative journey with Drew Leder, a renowned author, philosopher, and M.D., as he unveils the complexities and creative strategies for navigating the challenges of illness and aging. In this special event, Drew will share enlightening perspectives from his latest book, guiding us through the art of facing health challenges with resilience and innovation. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from one of the most thoughtful minds in philosophy and medicine. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a student of philosophy, or someone navigating the complexities of aging or illness, this event promises to offer meaningful perspectives that can illuminate your path forward. This event will take place in Misericordia University’s Lemmond Theater.
Broadway in Scranton Wants to Hear from You Millions of people around the world were touched by the acts of kindness shown towards the stranded in those days after 9/11. Was there someone you knew who was stranded in Gander? Did you know about this story and lent your support to the Gander community? Broadway in Scranton want to share your stories! Please email us at ali@nacentertainment.com. COME FROM AWAY comes to the Scranton Cultural Center for four performances April 5 – 7. This Tony Award-winning hit musical is based on the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. On September 11, 2001 the world stopped. On September 12, their stories moved us all. Charles McNulty of the Los Angeles Times called COME FROM AWAY “An affecting, stirring and unpretentious new musical. Christopher Ashley’s production lets the simple goodness of ordinary people outshine sensational evil,” and Bob Verini of Variety raved, “Superb! Canadians Irene Sankoff and David Hein have forged a moving, thoroughly entertaining tribute to international amity and the indomitable human spirit.” A “Best Musical” winner all across North America, the smash hit musical has won the Tony Award for “Best Direction of a Musical” (Christopher Ashley), 4 Olivier Awards (London) including “Best New Musical,” 5 Outer Critics Circle Awards (NYC) including “Outstanding New Broadway Musical,” 3 Drama Desk Awards (NYC) including “Outstanding Musical,” and many more accolades. COME FROM AWAY performance times are Friday at 7:30PM, Saturday at 2PM and 7:30PM, and Sunday at 1PM. Tickets are available online at BroadwayInScranton.com and in person at the Scranton Cultural Center box office. Box office hours are Monday – Friday 10AM – 5PM, Saturday 10AM – 2PM. The show age recommendation is 10+ and the run time is 1 hour and 45 minutes with no intermission.
Mark Your Calendars for First Friday Set for April 5 Here’s your friendly reminder as a valued venue to register your event for theApril 5th First Friday Scranton art walk. Registration closes Sunday (3/24) at midnight. Sign up here. Looking for an artist? These artists have expressed availability for April.Their information is below: Name: Anthony MascaritolaMedium: Digital artShow Title: ZuranimeEmail: zuranimestorm@gmail.comSample Artwork: https://instagram.com/zuranime_storm?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==Name: Iris JohnstonMedium: Acrylic on Canvas, embroideryShow Title: Little HeartEmail: surrealkitten@gmail.comSample Artwork: https://ijohnston94.wixsite.com/my-site-1Name: John KevraMedium: Acrylic PaintShow Title: True GritEmail: jkevra@pmsd.orgSample Artwork: https://firstfridayscranton.com/wp-content/uploads/ninja-forms/2/IMG_5892.jpegName: Dawn WatsonMedium: Ink, charcoal, pastel and water on canvasShow Title: IndescriptParadigmEmail: dawn_dorris13@yahoo.comSample Artwork: indescriptparadigm.com. Name: Larissa FryeMedium: Graphic designShow Title: Plant parlorEmail: lfrye26@gmail.comSample Artwork: https://www.behance.net/lfrye26d14bName: Erin BoughtonMedium: Acrylic art/Abstract artShow Title: Always the same.. always differentEmail: Candlebox6@yahoo.comSample Artwork: https://firstfridayscranton.com/wp-content/uploads/ninja-forms/2/IMG_4499.jpegName: Jennifer Heege-CoulterMedium: Paint on canvas, beaded jewelryShow Title: Heege CreationsEmail: heegecreations@gmail.comSample Artwork: www.facebook.com/heegecreationsName: Jessica JohnsonMedium: Multi-Media Canvas ArtShow Title: The First LightEmail: jess.johnson536@gmail.comSample Artwork: https://consistentlyunstable.etsy.comName: Vero FactumMedium: DigitalShow Title: Saturday Mourning PostEmail: gilmanveronica@gmail.comSample Artwork: https://www.verofactum.com/Name: Georisell VazquezMedium: Multimedia illustrationsShow Title: Fantasy Sketches and DrawingsEmail: georisell@gmail.comSample Artwork: Jiyoridraws.comName: Sam KuchwaraMedium: Painting and mixed mediaShow Title: Recent works in Painting and Mixed MediaEmail: samuelnilez@gmail.comSample Artwork: Samuelniles.etsy.comName: Sindy EstévezMedium: Acrylic on CanvasShow Title: The WomenEmail: sindyestevez@gmail.comSample Artwork: https://www.instagram.com/sindys_art_studio?igsh=MXV1N3R1czE0am93bA%3D%3D&utm_source=qrName: SmilezMedium: Acrylic Paint On CanvasShow Title: Art Outside The BoxEmail: smilezb1987@gmail.comSample Artwork: https://firstfridayscranton.com/wp-content/uploads/ninja-forms/2/2BC09810-D1F0-4C15-A354-39E8160F4688.jpeg
NEPIRC’s Manufacturing Education Guide Promotes Advanced Manufacturing Curriculums The Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC) recently launched The Northeastern Pennsylvania Manufacturing Education Guide, a publication that promotes the abundance of certificate and degree programs available locally to students interested in pursuing a career in manufacturing. The guide complements the work being done by NEPIRC’s Manufacturing Ambassador Dream Team program. The Manufacturing Education Guide will be distributed to high school students through NEPIRC’s Manufacturing Ambassador Dream Team presentations in classrooms and at career fairs, as well as digitally through NEPIRC’s social media channels and website. “We developed this guide to reinforce our message to high school students that so many of the everyday products they and their families use and have in their homes are manufactured right here in northeastern Pennsylvania. The guide is expected to reach thousands of students and their parents this school year, connecting students with great manufacturing career opportunities while promoting high-quality, affordable education from these institutions,” said Eric Joseph Esoda, NEPIRC’s president and CEO. One of the colleges that participated in the guidebook is Lackawanna College, whose Continuing Education Department has been engaged with manufacturers from throughout the region for many years. “We are always looking for ways to promote advanced manufacturing programs to teachers and students. NEPIRC partners with more than one thousand manufacturers in the region. By partnering with NEPIRC on the guide and other initiatives, we are in essence partnering with those thousand-plus manufacturers,” said Bill Schoen, director of continuing education at Lackawanna College. Currently, the guide includes information for manufacturing career programs offered by Johnson College, Keystone College, Lackawanna College, Luzerne County Community College, and The Pennsylvania College of Technology and invites additional institutions to participate by promoting their advanced manufacturing programs. The guide also contains a list of 70 area manufacturers that offer tuition reimbursement to their employees and a direct link to NEPIRC’s Job Board featuring approximately 100 local manufacturers who are immediately hiring for various positions. Susan Spry, associate vice president of academic affairs at Luzerne County Community College, immediately saw the value in participating in the guide. “We’ve been a longtime partner with NEPIRC on multiple initiatives. We think The Manufacturing Education Guide and the Dream Team program are so impactful. The ambassadors speak with students, parents and teachers about the very high-tech activities they do in their work, inspiring students to consider careers in manufacturing, starting with programs of study like the ones we offer that prepare students for the manufacturing jobs of today and tomorrow,” said Spry. More details regarding NEPIRC’s Manufacturing Education Guide, and the Manufacturing Ambassador Dream Team program can be found on the NEPIRC Dream Team website, www.NEPIRCDreamTeam.com, or by emailing Dream Team Project Coordinator Jenelle Osborne, Jenelle@NEPIRC.com.
Comcast Business Retail Tech Trends for 2024 and Beyond Report AI, VR, IoT and other technologies are reshaping and transforming retail. From balancing security with convenience, to hyper-personalizing experiences and smart inventory management, the store of the future merges brick-and-mortar with e-commerce. Comcast Business recently released its 2024 Retail Technology Trends Report, which is designed to help retailers understand the technologies that are redefining the industry. Explore the full report to learn more about how technology is reshaping retail to adapt to changing consumer habits here.
The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education Achieves 100% Match for Residency Programs The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education welcomed 51 new resident physicians into its regional residency programs after achieving a 100% match on National Match Day for aspiring doctors. The National Resident Matching Program’s Match Day is held annually on the third Friday of March. Medical students’ nation- and worldwide simultaneously learn at which U.S. residency program they will train for the next three to seven years. It is one of the most important and competitive processes in the medical school experience. The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education looks forward to Match Day each year as it learns which medical school graduates will continue their training in its Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited, comprehensive, and community-focused residency programs in Northeast Pennsylvania. The Wright Center is one of the largest Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-funded Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Consortiums in the country, with more than 245 physicians in training. The Wright Center matched residents in the following regional programs: Family Medicine Residency (13); Internal Medicine Residency (33); and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Residency (5). Resident physicians will begin the first year of their residencies on July 1 in Scranton. The incoming first-year residents hail from 13 countries: Bahrain (1); Canada (6); China (1); India (9); Nepal (3); Pakistan (12); Philippines (2); Saint Lucia (1); Saudi Arabia (1); Serbia (1); Uganda (1); United Kingdom (1); and the United States (12). The residency programs received 5,072 applications and interviewed 516 candidates, or about 10.17% of the applicants. The National Resident Matching Program makes residency matches, using a mathematical algorithm to pair graduating medical students with open training positions at teaching health centers, educational consortia, hospitals, and other institutions across the U.S. The model considers the top choices of both students and residency programs. “Match Day is one of the most exciting days of the academic year and a celebration to welcome our new residents,” said Jumee Barooah, M.D., designated institutional official and senior vice president of education at The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education. “For the residents, the day represents the culmination of years of hard work and perseverance that began at an early age. For The Wright Centers for Community Health and Graduate Medical Education, it marks another milestone in meeting our mission to improve the health and welfare of our communities through inclusive and responsive health services and the sustainable renewal of an inspired, competent workforce that is privileged to serve.” The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education was established in 1976 as the Scranton-Temple Residency Program, a community-based internal medicine residency. Today, The Wright Center is one of the nation’s largest HRSA-funded Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Safety-Net Consortiums. Together with consortium stakeholders, The Wright Center trains residents and fellows in a community-based, community-needs-responsive workforce development model to advance their shared mission to provide whole-person primary health services regardless of their insurance status, ZIP code, or ability to pay. The Wright Center offers ACGME accredited residencies in three disciplines – family medicine, internal medicine, and physical medicine & rehabilitation – as well as fellowships in cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology, and geriatrics. For information about The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education, go to TheWrightCenter.org or call 570-866-3017.
Mohegan Pennsylvania Celebrates 15 Years of Party on the Patio Fifteen years and still rockin’! Mohegan Pennsylvania is excited to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their iconic outdoor concert series, Party on the Patio. This year’s series is like no other, with 23 bands taking the stage over the course of 22 weeks. The first week kicks off on Thursday, May 2nd, with Stayin’ Alive bringing the best of the BeeGees. Philadelphia Freedom (a tribute to Elton John) also takes the stage during week one for a special Derby Day edition of Party on the Patio on Saturday, May 4th. Local fan favorites Bon Poison (a tribute to Bon Jovi and Poison) and Idol Kings (a tribute to Reo Speedwagon and Journey) return to the lineup while new acts like KISS Army (a tribute to KISS), Nightrain (a tribute to Guns N’ Roses), The Faithfull (a tribute to Pearl Jam) and more make their Party on the Patio debut. Doors open at 6:30pm and the bands start rockin’ at 7:30pm. There is no cover to attend Party on the Patio. Featured bands for Party on the Patio are as follows: 5/2/24: Stayin’ Alive, a tribute to the Bee Gees 5/4/24: Philadelphia Freedom, a tribute to Elton John 5/9/24: KISS Army, a tribute to KISS 5/16/24: Red Neck Castaway Band, a tribute to Kenny Chesney 5/23/24: Best of the Eagles, a tribute to the Eagles 5/30/24: Nightrain, a tribute to Guns N’ Roses 6/6/24: The Amish Outlaws, Pennsylvania’s Hottest Cover Band 6/13/24: Bon Poison, a tribute to Bon Jovi and Poison 6/20/24: Lovesong, a tribute to The Cure 6/27/24: Completely Unchained, a tribute to Van Halen 7/4/24: Dave Bray, celebrating Patriotic Rock 7/11/24: Classic Skynyrd Live by Southern Steel, a tribute to Lynyrd Skynyrd 7/18/24: Idol Kings, a tribute to REO Speedwagon and Journey 7/25/24: The Faithfull, a tribute to Pearl Jam 8/1/24: Pop ROCKS, the Ultimate Party Band 8/8/24: The Stranger, a tribute to Billy Joel 8/15/24: Parrot Beach, a tribute to Jimmy Buffett 8/22/24: Fresh Horses, a tribute to Garth Brooks 8/29/24: TUSK, a tribute to Fleetwood Mac 9/5/24: Hardwired, a tribute to Metallica 9/12/24: Back in Black, a tribute to AC/DC 9/19/24: Full Moon Fever, a tribute to Tom Petty 9/26/24: Black Dog, a tribute to Led Zeppelin *Lineup subject to change All guests must be 21+ to attend Party on the Patio. Additionally, most areas of Mohegan Pennsylvania are restricted to guests 21 years of age and older, including the hotel, gaming areas, and several restaurants. Valid, unexpired photo identification is required (driver’s license, passport, military ID). Expired identification will not be accepted. Wristbands issued for Party on the Patio are not valid for the gaming floor. All persons, bags and personal items are subject to inspection. No portable chairs are permitted. For more information about Party on the Patio, visit moheganpa.com/potp.
UNC Announces 2nd Annual Designer Purse Bingo United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania (UNC) is pleased to announce our second annual Designer Purse Bingo on Friday, April 5, 2024, at Holy Cross High School at 501 East Drinker Street in Dunmore. The doors open at 5:30pm and bingo starts at 6:30pm. Tickets are $30 in advance and $35 at the door. A very special thank you to our $10,000 presenting sponsor Grimm Construction. Admission covers 20 games of exciting Bingo with “celebrity” callers for a chance to win amazing designer purses from Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach, and many more. Additional purchases can be made the day of the event for three special games, basket raffles, 50/50, and $20 gift card pull. Light refreshments will also be available to purchase. Guests are allowed to bring their own food and beverages including alcoholic drinks, making this event for the 21+ crowd only. For tickets and sponsorship opportunities please visit: uncnepa.org/bingo
WVIA Honored with Seven American Advertising Federation of NEPA Awards WVIA, Northeastern Pennsylvania’s PBS and NPR station, is thrilled to announce a resounding win at the 2024 American Advertising Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania (AAF NEPA) Awards. Taking home an impressive seven awards, WVIA’s content and creative teams were recognized for their exceptional work in crafting impactful messages that resonate with viewers. “This recognition is a true testament to the dedication and talent of our entire production team,” said WVIA President & CEO, Carla McCabe. “At WVIA, we believe in the power of storytelling to connect, inspire, and make a difference. These awards validate our commitment to using that power to serve our community.” WVIA’s award-winning entries spanned a diverse range of categories, showcasing their versatility and ability to deliver impactful messages across platforms. From promotional campaigns to documentaries, their work left a lasting impression on the AAF NEPA judges. “We are incredibly proud of the stories we tell and the messages we share,” continued Ben Payavis II, WVIA Chief Content Officer. “These awards motivate us to keep pushing boundaries and finding new ways to connect with our audiences on a deeper level.” This significant win at the AAF NEPA Awards further solidifies WVIA’s position as a leader in creative storytelling within the region and their dedication to using their platform for positive impact. WVIA received the following seven awards: GOLD (Single Spot)- ROAR Documentary Trailer. GOLD (Single Entry and Best of Show)- The Hooded Graves of Catawissa. GOLD (Integrated Campaigns and Judge’s Choice)- Pizza! SILVER (Television Advertising)- ROAR Documentary. SILVER (Integrated Campaigns)- ROAR Documentary. The award ceremony was held on Friday, March 8th at The FM Kirby Center in Wilkes-Barre. All winners and professional entries can be viewed here.