Identical Twins Train in Internal Medicine Residency at The Wright Center From beginning kindergarten to completing medical school, and moving thousands of miles away from home to begin graduate medical education training in Scranton, Pennsylvania, twins Lavleen and Ravleen Kaur, ‘25, M.D.s, have always leaned on each other. The sisters, 29, are both in the second year of their Internal Medicine residency with The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education. The Mohali district of Punjab, India, natives decided to become doctors because of their parents’ deep commitment to improving their own communities. As a teacher, Mandeep Kaur focuses on educating children in disadvantaged and rural areas of India, while their father, Col. Arvinder Singh, recently retired after 37 years in the Indian Army. “The Indian Army’s motto, and my father’s motto, is service before self,” says Lavleen Kaur, who is 20 minutes older than Ravleen. “I think that could be the motto for doctors as well. As doctors, it’s important to give back to the communities.” After graduating from Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research in Amritsar, Punjab, the Kaur sisters worked briefly as medical officers in India, where they went door to door in communities to administer polio vaccines, hosted health camps where children could get up to date on medical screenings, and participated in other community health activities. The experience prepared them for their work in their residencies, since The Wright Center focuses on improving community health, especially for underserved populations. “The mission of The Wright Center – to be privileged to serve – resonated with us,” Ravleen acknowledges. The odds of matching into the same graduate medical education program are slim. Thousands of medical students worldwide interview with medical education programs. The candidates rank the list of programs where they would like to train, and programs rank the candidates they want to admit. Every year, candidates learn where they matched on the third Friday in March, known as Match Day. Lavleen and Ravleen, who had never been to the United States before starting their residencies, knew there was little chance of matching into the same residency program. They pursued other residency opportunities separately and were thrilled to learn they matched with The Wright Center in 2022. “Our parents were happier about it than we were if that is possible,” Ravleen says. “It’s just us two, no other siblings, so they were glad we’d be going together.” After learning they would be heading to The Wright Center, the twins had much to do in a short amount of time. “We get the match results in March, and then by April, they send us all the documents, the contracts and everything,” Lavleen says. “We had to find an apartment and we had to do it all online since we were in India.” Although it was their first journey to America, the sisters say they acclimated quickly to life in the Electric City and at The Wright Center. “The food took some getting used to,” Ravleen says, causing her sister to laugh and shake her head. “What,” Ravleen responds, laughing. “We didn’t really cook at home.” Lavleen says any small difficulties in adjusting – from beginning their residencies to getting a car and drivers’ licenses – were alleviated by the fact that they remain together. “Sister love is unconditional,” Lavleen says. “I think it’s nice to have someone who just understands me. We study together, we help each other along. We’ve just always done everything together.” In addition to relying on each other, they also spotlight each other’s accomplishments. Ravleen, who served as a resident leader in her first year, bragged about Lavleen’s recent selection as chief resident – a role she was chosen for by her fellow Internal Medicine residents and the program faculty. “I really want to solve any issues that our residents might be having,” Lavleen says about her new role, adding that it will also build her resume and confidence as a doctor and leader. The sisters have also dove into the world of scholarly research, a realm both said they had little exposure to before joining the Internal Medicine Program. So far, they’ve presented scholarly research at conferences in Arizona, Hawaii, Texas, and Colorado. They plan to present at the American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting in Boston in April. Ravleen said research is important for their growth as doctors in numerous ways. “Because you’re reading a number of papers first and learning about something you might not be exposed to otherwise,” she says, explaining the benefits of scholarly research. “It’s such a big world out there. People are doing amazing things.” However, after being together their whole lives, the twins’ paths may soon diverge. Inspired by her rotation at Hematology and Oncology Associates of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Lavleen has her sights set on finding a fellowship in that field once she graduates from her current residency. Ravleen is interested in pursuing a fellowship in endocrinology. “Who knows what life brings,” Ravleen says, adding that she and her sister are hopeful they’ll find a program where they can stay together and pursue their diverging passions. “You can only try.”
Johnson College Receives FAA Aviation Maintenance Technical Workers Workforce Development Grant Johnson College has been awarded a $423,754 Aviation Maintenance Technical Workers Workforce Development Grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The grant will support Johnson College’s efforts to expand the U.S. aviation maintenance technical workforce through student scholarships and new laboratory training equipment. Johnson College is the only Pennsylvania College to receive funding under this program. “The aviation technology industry is expected to have rapid-paced growth throughout the next decade,” said Dr. Katie Leonard, Johnson College’s President and CEO. “Through this grant, we will be able to provide our Aviation Technology students with elements needed to enhance their hands-on training and help them to successfully enter the workforce with a valuable skillset.” Johnson College’s two-year Aviation Technology Associates Degree program prepares students as entry-level technicians with the latest information on diagnosis, repair procedures, preventative maintenance, and necessary safety applications in aviation technology. Through a partnership with the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, students will complete airframe and power plant instruction in a lab located at the airport. This opportunity will provide students with a very unique and hands-on learning experience in the Aviation industry. The grant objectives include the further development and implementation of an FAA-certificated associate degree Part 147 Airframe and Powerplant Aviation Technology program and the development of a robust and sustainable pipeline program for middle and high school students, stimulating interest in aviation technology careers. To learn more about Johnson College’s two-year Aviation Technology Associates Degree program, visit
Marywood University Sets Spring Open House Date for Prospective Undergraduates Marywood University will hold a spring undergraduate open house for high school students and their parents on Saturday, April 13, 2024. Registration begins at 9 a.m. in the Fireplace Lounge at the Nazareth Student Center on the University’s campus, and the last campus tour departs at 1:30 p.m. The event will include informative tours of the campus, complimentary continental breakfast and lunch for all guests, and the opportunity to meet with current Marywood students, faculty, and athletic coaches. Information sessions with admissions and financial aid counselors will also be available. For more information and to register, visit, email, or call Marywood University’s admissions office at (570) 348-6234.
University of Scranton’s High School Physics Competition Registration Open Area high school students can register to compete in a fun, hands-on physics and engineering competition on April 18 at The University of Scranton. Hundreds of students from area schools compete individually and in teams annually at Scranton’s Hayes Family Science Competition for High School Physics and Engineering Students. The day-long academic competition emphasizes applied demonstrations through a series of quizzes and challenges that test the high school students’ knowledge of physics and engineering concepts. The theme for this year’s competition is “energy and motion” and will include a “hot wheels” challenge, in addition to light, conductivity and other experiments. The competition, organized by the University’s Department of Physics and Engineering, is intended to encourage more students to pursue careers in physics and engineering. The registration deadline is March 22. High school teams interested in registering or in learning more about this year’s competition can contact Rachel Frissell, faculty specialist for the University’s Physics and Engineering Department, at or by calling 570-941-7007. The competition, organized by the University’s Department of Physics and Engineering, is intended to encourage more students to pursue careers in physics and engineering. The registration deadline is Mar. 22. High school teams interested in registering or in learning more about this year’s competition can contact Rachel Frissell, faculty specialist for the University’s Physics and Engineering Department, at or by calling 570-941-7007.
Wayne Bank Announces Promotion in Audit Department Jim Donnelly, President and Chief Executive Officer of Wayne Bank, is pleased to announce the promotion of Lexi Reeves to Assistant Vice President and Internal Audit Manager. Reeves joined the Bank in 2021 and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and a Master’s Degree in Forensic Accounting from the University of Albany. Mr. Donnelly stated, “I’m delighted to announce this promotion. As Assistant Vice President and Internal Audit Manager, Lexi will lead and oversee Wayne Bank’s internal audit function. Her extensive education, dedication, and diligence make her highly deserving of this promotion.” Reeves is the Vice President and Programming Officer of the NEPA IIA Chapter and resides in Narrowsburg, where she enjoys spending time with her two dogs, Izzy and Daisy.
NeighborWorks Accepting Applications for the Beautiful Blocks Program NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania Beautiful Blocks program is still accepting applications for our 2024 program cycle! Residents of the City of Scranton, City of Carbondale, and (new for 2024!) City of Pittston are invited to join with their neighbors to apply for our Beautiful Blocks program. Beautiful Blocks provides matching grants of up to $1,000 per property to groups of five or more residents in participating communities to help them make exterior improvements to their homes. The Beautiful Blocks program seeks to make neighborhoods throughout Scranton, Pittston, and Carbondale more attractive places to live. Eligible exterior improvements include everything from landscaping and painting to larger projects like sidewalks, front porch repair, door and window replacement, and more! This is the first year Beautiful Blocks is available to residents of the City of Pittston. Also new this year, Scranton residents who decide to replace their front sidewalk are eligible for an additional $3,000 in grant funds, on top of the $1,000 standard grant and the property owner’s $1,000 match. Our Beautiful Blocks program closes for applications at the close of business on Monday, March 18. Don’t miss your chance to improve your neighborhood through this innovative and engaging program! Interested residents are asked to read and review our pre-application instructions, before working with neighbors to complete the pre-application document. These items are available on our Beautiful Blocks homepage, where interested residents can also access video testimonials from our past program cycles. More information is also available by contacting Gerard Hetman, NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania Community Development Specialist, at (570) 558-2490 or
Johnson College Hosts Spring Open House Johnson College will hold a Spring Open House on Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on its Scranton campus. To register to attend the Open House, visit or contact Johnson College’s Enrollment Department at 570-702-8856 or The Open House will include discussions about the admissions process, information about financial aid for those who qualify, and student services such as student life, student support, and career services. Plus, same-day acceptance will be available for many programs if students bring their high school or college transcripts. Tours of each technical area will be conducted, and program directors and instructors will be available to review the specifics of their programs.
NEPIRC Announces Upcoming Events & Trainings The month of April Events & Trainings April 3, 2024 – Arc Flash / NFPA 70E Training Starting April 9 – 8-Week Leadership Development Essentials April 10 – ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Training Starting April 24 – Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training Starting April 15 – SolidWorks Essentials Training The Month of May Events & Trainings Starting May 9 – High-Impact Leadership Training Starting May 9 – Two-Hour Leadership Development Essentials Seminar Starting May 13 – Lean Specialist Certificate Program Learn more online at NEPIRC Training, Workshops & Events – NEPIRC
The Dime Bank Donates to Local Wayne County Organization The Dime Bank donates $125,000.00 to the Wayne County YMCA Project through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development under the Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credit Program (NAP). The Wayne County YMCA Project qualifies for the NAP grant under a Special Programs Priorities as this project is considered a rural initiative which encourages nonprofit organizations to develop projects that have a positive community and economic impact in rural areas. This is a multi-phase project to build a new state-of-the-art facility. Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey Roche stated, “At The Dime Bank, community involvement is not just a value – it’s a way of life. We understand the importance of supporting and nurturing the areas we serve. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of our customers and neighbors. At the YMCA, strengthening community is their cause, and we are happy to help them accomplish that goal.” “A community project of this size and scope would not be possible without the support of The Dime Bank. This donation will enable us to complete phase II of this project that includes the completion of final engineering / design which will position the Project for the construction phase. Thank you to The Dime Bank for their commitment and participation in this critical community project,” stated Paul Edwards, Co-Chairperson Wayne County YMCA Board of Trustees.