RailRiders Selling Football Squares for February 11 Game Prizes Don’t Fumble Your Chance to Win Big: RailRiders Football Squares are BACK in advance of the Big Game on February 11! Fans who purchase any season ticket plan between NOW and February 9 will receive the corresponding number of football squares with your chance to win one of five prize packages. Prizes include Yankees tickets, a David Cone autographed baseball, replica jerseys, and more! Call (570) 969-2255, email info@swbrailriders.com, or review season ticket plans online at https://loom.ly/IEnyLsY.
The Wright Center Fights Against National Lack of Maternal Health Services One of the more unfortunate trends in American medicine is the lack of access to health services available to new mothers and their babies. Fortunately, this dire situation is getting some much-needed attention via the annual observance of Maternal Health Awareness Day, which will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 23. This year’s theme is the highly appropriate “Access in Crisis.” All over the country, maternal health services are becoming increasingly unobtainable for too many mothers and their babies, due to financial, staffing, and policy challenges that have led to more and more labor and delivery units shutting down, both in urban and rural areas. More than 2.2 million women ages 15 to 44 live in maternity care deserts with no hospitals that provide obstetric care, birth centers, OB-GYNs, or certified nurse-midwives, according to a 2022 March of Dimes report. Meanwhile, numerous mothers in the postpartum period lost their Medicaid coverage as the COVID-19 public health emergency drew down. That 12-month period is enormously critical to patients, given the potential for pregnancy-related complications. This is a significant crisis, so people should be striving to play a role in raising awareness about the crucial role maternal health care access plays for mother and baby. The Wright Center is happy to say that locally they have high-quality maternal health care providers, among them Maternal & Family Health Services. The Wright Center also delivers exceptional pediatric services. From newborn check-ups and well-visits to vaccinations, school physicals, and guidance through all the development stages, The Wright Center is here to help patients navigate their child’s health and well-being from infancy through the beginning of adulthood. The Wright Center’s pediatricians, family medicine physicians, and medical care teams are specially trained to manage all aspects of your child’s health care needs. Services include newborn care, routine vaccinations, well-child visits that test children’s hearing, vision, height, and weight, same-day sick appointments, back-to-school and daycare physicals, sports and camp physicals, asthma management, mental health screenings for ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and counseling centered on growth, development, nutrition, safety, and injury prevention. Great work is also being done by the Healthy MOMS (Maternal Opiate Medical Support) program, which was launched by The Wright Center and several other community organizations more than five years ago to assist pregnant women and new mothers overcome addiction and embrace a life in recovery. The program provides medication-assisted treatment, behavioral health, case management, and social services, ideally engaging mom and baby all the way up until the child’s second birthday. The evidence suggests that mothers who join the program and participate in recovery services well before their delivery dates are less likely to give birth to babies who experience neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), a potentially painful and costly medical condition caused when a newborn withdraws from opioids or other drugs that the baby had been exposed to in the womb. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of community partners representing Northeast Pennsylvania’s health care, legal, housing, and social service organizations, Healthy MOMS has proven to be a resounding success, with more than 151 mothers active in the program today and 257 children born in the program since its inception. The Wright Center will continue doing it’s part to ensure local mothers have the care and resources needed for them and their children to enjoy a happy, healthy life.
Geisinger Working to Make all Emergency Rooms Ready for Kids When emergency rooms are equipped to care for children, outcomes are significantly better for young patients — which is why Geisinger is preparing every ER in the system to specifically treat children. The effort is led by Sarah Alander, MD, Geisinger director of pediatric emergency medicine, who has made readying Geisinger ERs for the 45,000 kids seen each year, systemwide, a priority. “A 2019 landmark study found that if an emergency room is trained and equipped to care for children, they are four times less likely to have a child die in their care,” Dr. Alander said. “It is important to provide the training to our emergency room staffs so they’re equipped to treat children safely and effectively and not treat them as small adults.” A nationwide program called the National Pediatric Readiness Project offers a voluntary survey to assess a trauma center’s level of preparedness for children’s care. Beginning in June 2025, the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation — the trauma center accreditation body for state hospitals — will require hospitals to conduct pediatric readiness assessments and have plans to address gaps. Geisinger has already voluntarily participated in the survey and created a council to help improve gaps at its hospitals. Geisinger’s Emergency Medical Services for Children Council, led by Dr. Alander, focuses on six areas improve pediatric readiness: Identifying personnel as “pediatric champions” at each emergency department Educating nurses and providing a pediatric critical care course and simulation training for physicians Joining national quality improvement programs on pediatric sepsis and airway management Attending regular safety meetings and reviewing safety events Compiling a collection of policies and procedures for children Working to standardize specialized equipment for the emergency care of children The council’s work on these priorities has yielded remarkable results. “In 2019, our system participated in the national pediatric readiness survey for the first time and had scores ranging from 40% to 68%,” said Megan Zelonis, RN, pediatric emergency care coordinator. “In the repeat 2021 assessment, our scores significantly improved to a range of 83% to 94%.”
Wright Center Executive Completes Workforce Leadership Program Tiffany Jackson, MSM, SHRM-CP, organizational development director at The Wright Centers for Community Health and Graduate Medical Education, recently completed the 2023 Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy and joins alumni of the program as members of the Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunity Fellows Network. The Scranton Area Community Foundation, in partnership with the Aspen Institute and Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, hosted the Workforce Leadership Academy. The 10-month peer-learning community engaged 22 fellows from Lackawanna and Luzerne counties in a series of retreats, workshops, and action learning projects. The regional program aims to create system changes in the workforce development field. Fellows worked with leading practitioners throughout the country as they deepened networks, strengthened systems leadership skills, applied race, equity, and system change frameworks to their work, and increased their understanding of effective strategies and programs. The Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy is one of eight national academies that were launched in 2023. As an alumnus of the academy, Jackson joins fellows from 14 previous academies in 11 cities in the United States and Canada. The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy organization based in Washington, D.C. The Wright Center for Community Health operates 10 primary and preventive care practices in Northeast Pennsylvania, including a mobile medical and dental unit called Driving Better Health. Its practices offer integrated whole-person care, meaning patients typically have the convenience of going to a single location to access medical, dental, and behavioral health care, as well as community-based addiction treatment and recovery services. The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education is one of the nation’s largest Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Safety-Net Consortiums funded by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration. It develops the physician workforce of tomorrow in eight residency and fellowship programs.For more information about The Wright Center, go to TheWrightCenter.org or call 570-230-0019.
People’s Security Bank & Trust Donates Over $900,000 to Local Organizations Through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program, Peoples Security Bank & Trust (PSBT) has been able to donate over $900,000 to private schools, scholarship organizations, pre-kindergartens, school districts, universities, and other non-profit organizations during 2023. The EITC Program allows businesses the opportunity to support local organizations by reallocating a portion of their tax dollars for donation purposes through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. The donations were used to fund scholarship programs, educational supplies, school grants, and innovative educational programs. Eighty-two organizations throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley have benefitted from these allocated funds. Since 2015, PSBT has donated over $6 million through the EITC program. “It is part of our responsibility to give back to our local communities. Through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program, we have an opportunity each year to make advances in student education that will last a lifetime. Receiving a quality education leads to our communities becoming more cultivating, vibrant, and inclusive,” says Jeffrey Drobins, Executive Vice President, Chief Lending Officer.
Tobyhanna Army Depot Recognizes Latest Employees of the Quarter Over 3,100 individuals make up Tobyhanna Army Depot’s world-class workforce. Although many of which are worthy of praise, each quarter two employees are named the junior and senior employees of the quarter. For the 4th quarter of 2023, it is Mr. Zachary Long of the Installation Services directorate and Ms. Kristina Nolan of the Resource Management directorate receiving the honors respectively. Nolan’s career at TYAD defines the idea of “working your way up.” After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Education from Marywood University, she took a job as a Teacher Assistant at Tobyhanna’s on-post Children and Youth center. After two years, she moved into a position supporting to the mission side of TYAD’s operations, working a total of four years as a secretary in the C4ISR and Field Logistics Support directorates. About halfway through her time as a secretary, she decided to return to college to further her education. Having always had an interest in computers, she was encouraged to pursue a master’s degree in IT Cyber Security from Capella University. It was while earning this degree that she applied for and received the opportunity to work in TYAD’s Information Management Division as an IT Specialist. Nolan’s employee of the quarter award comes two years into her time as an IT Specialist. She said receiving this distinction is a tremendous accomplishment. “It is a big accomplishment definitely. It shows that the hard work I have done to this point and will continue to do is recognized and is respected and that means a lot to me,” said Nolan. “Because I know this isn’t just a “my department” kind of an award, it means that I am recognized across the depot for the work I have put in and the things I have accomplished up to this point so that means a lot to me.” Cyber Security Enterprise Branch (CESB) Chief Sean Hannan serves as Nolan’s supervisor. He lauded her not only for consistently seeking opportunities to better herself, but also her dedication to TYAD’s mission. “Ms. Nolan’s dedication to mission success was nothing short of exceptional, consistently exceeding her daily mission requirements with unwavering diligence. Throughout this quarter, she took on increased responsibilities and requirements, showcasing a remarkable commitment to surpassing current duties and contributing to the overarching mission objectives of TYAD,” said Hannan. “Not only did she embrace these additional tasks willingly, but she also proactively sought out knowledge to educate herself on the necessary mission systems, demonstrating her selflessness and determination to ensure successful execution.” Hannan also credited Nolan for serving as a helping hand to her colleagues. After she spearheaded a recent network coverage initiative, she took the time to impart essential knowledge to her teammates, guiding and training them in the proficient utilization of mission systems that were critical to success. She credited developing this mindset to mentors she’s worked with through her time at TYAD. Nolan said that, in her line of work, being a team player is essential. “Especially in our department, we definitely have to be cohesive as a team. There’s such a diversity of skills among the team in the CSEB and we help each other to balance all our skills as a community to achieve success. To teach newcomers or people just coming into that department all of the ins and outs and getting accesses and everything is very important,” said Nolan. “There is just so much happening on a daily basis that is behind the scenes that our department has to shift gears quickly so being able to help out in any of the areas and being well rounded in each of the skills helps everyone a lot.” Nolan credited team in the CSEB for her success. “I owe a lot to the team I work with in CSEB, they are a group of incredible people, with such knowledge and skillsets,” said Nolan. “Their willingness to share knowledge and communicate so well is a definite contribution to the success of the department and the depot. They’re just a great group of people to work with and for.” Long is receiving the honor in recognition of a unique maintenance and tracking program he created that is being utilized at TYAD. The creation of this program was a cross-functional effort with the Equipment and Supply Branch that required he go beyond his typical scope of work. Lancelot Ottley is a supervisor within the Installation Services directorate. He said the initiative Long took to create this program benefits not only the team he works with, but the depot as a whole. “Long’s exemplary handling of administrative matters attested to his professional knowledge, willingness to accept responsibility, attention to detail, and the ability to adapt himself to any situation,” said Ottley. “His ambitiousness in establishing and managing this program has motivated his peers and increases overall readiness status and sustainability.” The Employee of the Quarter awards and other employee recognition programs align with Tobyhanna’s long-range strategic plan, TOBY2035 – specifically the Investing In Our People line of effort. The plan aims to posture the depot for success in the coming years as the Department of Defense’s premier worldwide C5ISR readiness provider.
The Dime Bank Contributes to the Wayne County Public Library The Dime Bank recently contributed $30,000.00 to the Wayne County Public Library (WCPL) through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program. The libraries are approved for two Educational Improvement Organization (EIO) programs. Learning @ the Library which supports in-house and outreach programs aimed at K- 12 students. The second is Teen Tech @ the Library which provides specialized teen programs in STEAM, robotics, computers, and online resources. The library’s outreach coordinator, Scarlett Davidson, works with the three school districts in the library’s service area (Wayne Highlands, Wallenpaupack, and Western Wayne) to provide a wide variety of training, Storytimes, STEM, and other innovative literacy/learning programs. Scarlett helps students, teachers, and their families understand not only what the library has to offer, but how to access resources from home such as Tutor.com, LearningExpress Library, Teen Health and Wellness, Core Concepts: Biology, Chemistry, Periodic Table, and PowerKnowledge: Earth and Space, Life, and Physical Sciences. “The Dime Bank’s Investment in the seven Libraries of Wayne County via the EITC program is an investment in the future of Wayne County,” said Library Director Tracy Schwarz. “Funding for quality programming is difficult to come by. We simply could not do what we do for the community without this level of support. We can’t thank The Dime Bank enough for supporting the future of our community by supporting the library’s approved EIO programs. Thank you for allowing us to create connections, memories, and learning that will last a lifetime!”
I Need A Speaker to Host Program for High School Students Area high school students are invited to participate in the STAND TALL SPEAK OUT program, a one-day event that teaches executive presence and public presentation skills to prepare attendees for future opportunities related to employment and college. The event will take place on Saturday, March 2, from 10 am to 3 pm at Scranton Preparatory School, 1000 Wyoming Ave., Scranton. “This program was created to help students build and maintain self-confidence as they approach the next stage of life,” explained Will Ramey, DBA, an Army veteran, entrepreneur and TEDx speaker who is one of two presenters. “Students will have two hours of instruction from me, supported by two hours of public presentation instruction from my colleague, Tricia Richards-Service, PhD.” Planners are seeking financial contributions for this program. Although sponsorship packages are available at $2,500, $1,000, and $500, contributions in any amount would be appreciated to offset costs. Additional information and registration forms are being distributed to area high school guidance counselors and administrators. Student registration is $20 for the event. Ten students will be awarded scholarships. Registration fees include programming and a boxed lunch. “This event is limited to the first 200 students to register,” said Richards-Service. “We encourage people to register early.” The registration deadline is February 15, 2024. To obtain additional information or secure your spot, e-mail info@ineedaspeaker.com or call 570-955-6965.