Emily Pettinato Emily Pettinato is the workforce development specialist for Skills in Scranton, The Chamber’s workforce development affiliate. In this role, Pettinato supports workforce development and talent recruitment initiatives for Skills in Scranton, including managing programs like Educator in the Workplace, Career Pathways Resources, the Workforce Summit and Career Fair, and more. Pettinato’s responsibilities include coordination and implementation of programs with educational institutions and businesses, securing grant and funding opportunities, managing analytics, developing relationships with key workforce segments, and more. Pettinato serves on the Board of Directors for Scranton Tomorrow and is a member of the Leadership Lackawanna Core program class of 2024. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English and a Master’s in Business Administration with a concentration in Management from Moravian University. Contact Emily Email: EPettinato@ScrantonChamber.com Phone: (570) 342–7711 ext. 138