FNCB Bank Supports Veterans Treatment Court

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FNCB Bank, locally based for over 100 years, recently donated $15,000 through the Pennsylvania Neighborhood Assistance Project Tax Credit Program, to the Treatment Court Advocacy Center of Lackawanna County to help local veterans in the rehabilitative program.

The 18-month rehabilitative program addresses root behavioral problems that often afflict veterans, such as mental health and addiction concerns. The Lackawanna Veterans Treatment Court was the first of its kind in Pennsylvania when started in 2009 by Judge Michael Barrasse, who continues to oversee it.

FNCB Bank’s donation will be used for essentials like clothing, rent, transportation, medical care, job counseling, therapy, and support for participating veterans and family members. Since 2014, FNCB Bank has donated $100,000 to the treatment court.

The support of the Lackawanna County Veterans Treatment Court is part of FNCB’s larger Community Caring initiative. As a true, local community bank, FNCB is making a difference through volunteerism, donations, and outreach programs.