Membership Campaign

Why Join Now?

Become a member of the largest chamber of commerce in northeastern PA.

As a member, you will have access to networking opportunities, jobs and workforce development resources, leadership training and development, small business lending resources, entrepreneurship resources, and more…

Special Pricing to join today!

You can save 20% off your membership with The Chamber through April 20, 2023.

Receive BONUS benefits from fellow members such as…

  1. FREE Unlimited Job/Employment listings, which is a $500 value per listing
  2. FREE Radio Advertising which is a $500-$2,500 value
  3. FREE newspaper advertising which is a $50-$3,000 value
  4. 50 percent off Outdoor Billboard
  5. 15 percent promotional products discount, which is a $500 value
  6. And more…
Over $10,000 bonus benefits at your fingertips. Do not wait and join The Chamber today!

Your Next Steps!

You can either: Fill out the form on the side and let us know you are interested in learning more about membership.


Contact Mari or Tina in the Membership Department at The Chamber today!