NEPIRC Marketing Manager Appointed to National Steering Committee

Members News

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC) announces that Chelsey Coslett, manager of marketing and stakeholder engagement, recently accepted an appointment to the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) Manufacturing Extension Partnership National Network’s (MEPNN’s) marketing steering committee.

As a member of the MEPNN marketing steering committee, Coslett joins 10 other marketing professionals from across the nation. The committee is responsible for setting the overall direction of, and planning the activities for, the MEPNN marketing working group and community of practitioners as well as providing input on tactics for the MEPNN national awareness campaign. The steering committee also provides support, guidance and oversight to the marketing working group and identifies communication and branding priorities for the National Network, which consists of 51 MEP Centers working across 430 service locations with over 1,450 professionals.   

MEPNN marketing steering committee members are committed to upholding the values and objectives of the working group and actively participate, provide thoughtful input and focus on the best interests of the group and the National Network. 

“The MEP National Network marketing and branding effort strives not only to make sure that our nation’s small and mid-sized manufacturers know about the services available through Network affiliates but, of equal importance, create a more accurate public image and impression of manufacturing and raise awareness about the criticality of manufacturing to our nation and the value of industrial careers,” said Eric Joseph Esoda, NEPIRC president and CEO. “We’re delighted that Ms. Coslett was chosen, based upon her expertise and what she’s done for our organization, clients and region, to be a leader in moving the National Network’s marketing strategies forward.”

NEPIRC looks forward to Coslett’s participation on the MEPNN marketing steering committee, as it further positions NEPIRC as a national player in the Network.