PennDOT Accepting Applications For 2022-23 Improvements Under Multimodal Transportation Fund
Members News
September 14, 2021
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) today announced that applications will be accepted to fund new transportation improvement projects under the Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) through November 5, 2021.
“The Multimodal Transportation Fund continues to enhance connectivity across our state,” said PennDOT Secretary Yassmin Gramian said. “Projects are selected based on regional economic conditions, technical and financial feasibility, safety benefits, energy efficiency, operational sustainability and job creation.”
Eligible applicants include municipalities, council of governments, business/non-profit organizations, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, public airports, airport authorities, and ports and rail entities.
Projects that will be considered should coordinate local land use with transportation assets to enhance existing communities; improve streetscape, lighting, sidewalk facilities, and pedestrian safety; improve connectivity or utilization of existing transportation assets; or advance transit-oriented-development.
To submit a 2022-23 state fiscal year Multimodal Transportation Fund application, visit PennDOT’s “Multimodal Program” page and click on the currently “Accepting Applications” link. Grant recipients are expected to be announced next year, and funding will become available in July 2022.
In fiscal year 2021-2022, 43 projects were awarded $45.9 million in MTF funding throughout 21 counties, including construction of a pedestrian route with ADA curb cuts connecting existing sidewalk in Patterson Township, Beaver County; reconstruction of a collapsed portion of Wagontown Road in Valley Township, Chester County; replacement of Bridge No. 31, which has been poor condition since 1991 in Greene County; and the replacement of traffic signal and safety improvements at four intersections along 15th Street in the City of Allentown.
Act 89 of 2013 established a dedicated Multimodal Transportation Fund that stabilizes funding for ports and rail freight, increases aviation investments, establishes dedicated funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and allows targeted funding for priority investments in any mode.
For more information about the program and previous years’ applications and awards, visit the Multimodal Program page.