Precision Software Launches Self-Service Kiosk

Members News

Locally owned and operated in Jessup, Precision Software Innovations is now offering
an array of styles for restaurants and bars, including Free-Standing, Tabletop, and Wall
Kiosks. The past three years have changed the restaurant industry and how businesses
operate. Hiring and retaining staff has become harder and contact-less ordering is now
preferred by customers.

Precision’s Self-Service Kiosk offers a variety of benefits that could improve your
business and simplify your life.

1) Improve Customer Experience with Self-Service Kiosks
Having the ability to order contact-less will give customers more time to make sure their
order is perfect for them. Almost 65% of all customers would visit a restaurant more
often if a Self-Service Kiosk was available (Admin, 2019). Customers ordering at their
own pace and having more control of their order, results in greater customer

2) Increase Sales
Precision’s kiosks offer suggestive up sell to your customers, which can and will,
increase average ticket sales. Customers are likely to increase their order by 20% by
ordering on a kiosk (Rodgers, 2022).

3) Provides Visuals
Like menus, images and visuals of a business’s food give credibility to customers. Items
with images associated to them have an average of 6.5% increase of being ordered than
those that don’t (Robinson). All menu items on Precision’s Kiosks will have an image,
giving customers a visual of everything a restaurant has to offer. Also, Kiosks can be
used to advertise specials and promotions when the device is not in use.

If you would like to learn more about our Self-Service Kiosks and how they would
improve your business today call us at 1-855-673-3700 or visit us online at