Episode Nine: All Things Chamber

Event Update

Skills in Scranton’s networking program, Like Mind Meet Up, scheduled for Thursday, March 21, is canceled.

Upcoming Chamber Events

Episode Eight: All Things Chamber

Event Update

Skills in Scranton’s networking program, Like Mind Meet Up, scheduled for Thursday, March 21, is canceled.

Upcoming Chamber Events

Join the Chamber Influencers Club

The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce launches the Chamber Influencers Club. Join a dynamic group of Chamber members representing a variety of professions and industries.

Influencers will be an extension of the Chamber by participating in member ribbon cuttings, assisting with Chamber events, and helping with the promotion of Chamber programs and services.

Monthly meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM at various member business locations throughout the greater Scranton area.

For more information, contact Mari Potis, mpotis@scrantonchamber.com or 570-342-7711, extension 130.