NEPIRC Offers Free Training Fridays

NEPIRC will be offering Free Training Fridays featuring short introductory classes on various topics during Manufacturing Month 2021. It is open to all manufacturers and will feature different topics every week. The trainings will run from about 30 minutes to an hour and will be featured on social media.

What is Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training?

NEPIRC’s first installment of the Free Training Friday series in celebration of Manufacturing Month is “What is Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training?,” taught by Brian Matyjevich, NEPIRC’s Lean Enterprise Consultant.

Join Brian as he discusses Six Sigma roles and responsibilities, thinking outside the box while understanding change management, skills that are needed to be a good problem solver, eliminating waste with Lean methodology and introduces basic statistics and data collection methods.

The Project Management Triangle

NEPIRC’s second installment of the Free Training Fridays series is “The Project Management Triangle,” taught by Leo Gilroy, NEPIRC’s Director of Strategy and Innovation.

Join Leo as he discusses the importance of creating a project charter; analyzing the power and influence of stakeholders; project management leadership skills like communication, conflict resolution, team building and change management; and how to integrate project management with strategy.

Collaborative Robotics

NEPIRC’s third installment of our Free Training Friday series is “Collaborative Robotics,” led by Dale Parmenteri, NEPIRC’s Vice President of Consulting Operations.

Join Dale as he discusses the differences between traditional robots and cobots, the implementation of collaborative robotics as an answer to today’s workforce issues, how collaborative robotics are used and how easy they are to use, the ability to redeploy them for multiple tasks within the manufacturing facility and the financial ROI.

Why Become ISO Certified

NEPIRC’s last Free Training Friday session, “Why become ISO certified?” is an insightful Q&A between Ray Kryeski, NEPIRC’s Mechanical Engineer, and Marla Hager, NEPIRC’s Senior Business Advisor.

Join Ray and Marla as they discuss the definition and background of ISO 9001, the importance of becoming ISO certified, the benefits it provides to manufacturers and the benefits of working with an ISO-certified business.

Be sure to share this Free Training Friday segment with co-workers, friends or business partners who you feel would benefit from the presentation. If you’d like to learn more about NEPIRC’s Project Management Program, please email