Geisinger to Host Free, Virtual Lung Cancer Screening Information Session Geisinger will host a free, virtual lung cancer screening information session from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27. For at-risk patients, lung cancer screening is quick, easy and painless and just as important to the early detection and treatment of cancer as regular mammograms and colonoscopies. Patients may be eligible for lung cancer screening if they are: Between the ages of 50 and 80Have a 20-pack-year smoking historyCurrently smoke or quit within the last 15 years The event will be hosted by Matthew Facktor, M.D., director of the lung cancer screening program and chair of Geisinger’s Department of Thoracic Surgery, and George Ruiz, M.D., chair of Geisinger’s Department of Cardiology. The session will cover: An overview of lung cancer screeningWho is a good candidate for regular screeningHow to calculate pack-year historyA question-and-answer session Anyone interested in learning about lung cancer screening can register for the information session by visiting During registration, participants can submit questions they’d like addressed during the session.
Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center named among best major teaching hospitals Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center was ranked No. 9 on Fortune/Merative’s 2022 “25 Top Teaching Hospitals” list. The rankings are based on public data sets including Medicare cost reports, Medicare Provider Analysis and Review data, and core measures and patient satisfaction data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hospital Compare website. Michelle Thompson, MD, chief education officer and vice dean for graduate medical education and designated institutional official, said, “It’s public affirmation recognizing the clinical leadership team and all Geisinger Wyoming Valley employees for their contributions and efforts leading to a top-quality hospital that allows for an exceptional educational experience for the many residents and students who work and learn here.” According to Erika Fry, a senior writer at Fortune, Merative’s researchers found that hospitals achieving a ranking tend to share seven key characteristics, including: a mature culture (and a commitment to maintaining it)nursing excellencedeeply committed leadershipquality-focused hospital boardsan embrace of datainnovative technology (used in a practical manner), andlocal autonomy within health systems These characteristics come as no surprise to Daniel Landesberg, Geisinger’s associate vice president for clinical operations. “At Geisinger Wyoming Valley, we are fortunate to have everything on Merative’s list – particularly excellent nurses and committed leadership that emphasizes innovation and technology,” he said. “Their energy and focus make our hospital the ideal place for residents and fellows to work and learn.” Fortune also writes that the list, “represents those hospitals that held up best against the pandemic’s ongoing stress test. They achieved better results than peer institutions on performance indicators intended to measure clinical outcomes, operational efficiency, patient experience, and financial health. The study, which for this year evaluated 2,650 U.S. hospitals, relies on publicly available Medicare data for its analysis. The Top Hospitals list also considers an organization’s contributions to its community and equity of care.” The list is a debut for Fortune/Merative because Fortune’s long-time research partner, IBM Watson Health, became a standalone company named Merative when it was purchased in 2022.
Geisinger Ribbon Cutting at Healthplex CenterPoint in Pittston After a yearlong $80 million construction project, Geisinger unveiled the results, celebrating the impending opening of Geisinger Healthplex CenterPoint. The 124,000-square-foot outpatient specialty facility will offer improved availability and convenience of in-demand services from same-day surgery to eye care and diagnostics. A ribbon cutting was held at 1201 Oak St., near state Route 315, Interstate 81 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike, which was chosen for its proximity to patients in Luzerne and Lackawanna counties. Scheduled to open Monday, Aug. 1, the healthplex will offer surgery and endoscopy; bone, muscle and joint care; urologic services; eye care and eyewear; and physical and occupational therapy, as well as laboratory and diagnostics. ConvenientCare and orthopaedic urgent care services are expected to open in the fall. With ample space to expand programs and accommodate new care providers, the healthplex will offer more appointments and reduce wait times for patients to see specialists. It also groups complementary services, like orthopaedics and diagnostics, so patients can stay at one facility for related appointments. According to market forecasts, the aging population of northeastern Pennsylvania will drive an increased need for these services through 2030. “We’re outgrowing our footprint at our hospitals in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre,” said Ron Beer, chief administrative officer for Geisinger’s northeast region. “Healthlplex CenterPoint makes better health easier for patients and members in two counties by providing care in an easy-to-reach location away from the bustling activity of our medical centers.” The healthplex also creates 154 jobs and frees up space at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center and Geisinger Community Medical Center to explore opportunities to expand acute care services like emergency medicine and trauma programs. Care teams at Healthplex CenterPoint will offer treatment options that previously were limited in availability in the region. The most consolidated and comprehensive urology practice Geisinger has ever established in northeastern Pennsylvania will offer same-day care for patients with emergent conditions like kidney stones or inability to urinate. Bolstering a wide range of sports medicine as well as hand, and foot and ankle services, the orthopaedics team will also perform arthroscopic hip procedures. A complete subspecialty eye-care program will feature ophthalmic providers capable of delivering virtually any service a patient may need. It includes neuro ophthalmology care and pediatric ophthalmology care. The team will also perform LASIK surgery, a first for Geisinger in the northeast region. The diagnostics suite adds two new MRI machines, along with computed tomography (CT) and X-ray capability, significantly expanding imaging services in the region. Designed with a focus on patient comfort in a space that previously housed a Walmart, the healthplex features a café, an atrium with outdoor green space and seating, and facial recognition technology for easy check-in. It also provides abundant parking and is accessible by public transportation. Adapting an existing building for new use brings needed services to Pittston Township in an environmentally friendly way. The project avoided energy-costly demolition, preserved undisturbed land that might otherwise have been used for new development, and created sustainable green space and gardens. “Residents and leaders in this community welcomed this project with open arms and will share in its positive impacts on health and the local economy,” said Beer. “Together, we succeeded in contributing to the vibrance of an area we all love. A space that once buzzed with commerce will now care for the community for years to come.” For more information on Geisinger Healthplex CenterPoint, visit
Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center Receives Level I Trauma Accreditation Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center has been granted Level I Trauma Center accreditation by the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation. As a Level I trauma center, Geisinger Wyoming Valley provides complex critical care for patients with life-threatening injuries 24/7. In addition, the hospital offers total care for every aspect of traumatic injury — from prevention through rehabilitation. “Trauma programs like those at Geisinger are an important resource for all of our neighbors and communities as they provide the highest level of emergent care in times of need,” said Denise Torres, MD, chair of Geisinger’s Surgery Institute. “Our teams are always available to provide lifesaving care for those who need it.” To receive the Level I designation, the hospital underwent a thorough review process that included an on-site review of its resources and capabilities to care for patients with severe traumatic injuries. Richard Lopez, DO, director of trauma surgery at Geisinger Wyoming Valley, added, “When a traumatic injury occurs, every second counts — and I am so proud to have an experienced team providing specialized critical care to those in need right here in our community.” Trauma centers are specialized hospitals, staffed and equipped to provide immediate, complex critical care for patients with severe or life-threatening injuries. Geisinger’s trauma programs rely on emergency room staff, Geisinger and local emergency medical services providers, Geisinger Life Flight and first responders across our communities to provide around-the-clock care. “The Level I designation means our patients and the local community are getting the most specialized level of care. This accreditation reaffirms that our physicians, nurses and staff deliver the best possible outcomes for those we serve,” said Ron Beer, chief administrative officer for Geisinger’s northeast region. Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center joins Geisinger Medical Center in Danville as the system’s Level I trauma centers. Geisinger Community Medical Center in Scranton and Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital in Danville are Level II trauma centers; and Geisinger Jersey Shore Hospital and Geisinger Lewistown Hospital are Level IV trauma centers.
Geisinger Health Plan Medicaid Coverage Expands Statewide Geisinger Health Plan Medicaid coverage will be available to Medicaid-eligible recipients statewide beginning Sept. 1, 2022, as part of an expansion of HealthChoices, Pennsylvania’s Medical Assistance managed care program. “We’re excited to expand our services throughout Pennsylvania and make healthcare more affordable for eligible individuals,” said Kurt Wrobel, president of Geisinger Health Plan. “Our Medicaid plan, Geisinger Health Plan Family, helps ensure that people throughout the commonwealth have access to quality care.” Geisinger Health Plan currently serves more than 200,000 Medicaid members. If you’re an eligible Medical Assistance recipient in Pennsylvania, GHP Family can provide comprehensive health insurance coverage. Many services are covered at no cost, including doctor’s visits, preventive services, diabetes care, prescription drugs and more. Coverage also includes valuable extras like health and wellness programs, mental health and substance abuse resources, online tools, and enhanced vision and dental benefits. You must be enrolled in Medicaid with the Department of Human Services (DHS). You can then choose a plan and enroll online using the PA Enrollment Services website or by calling 800-440-3989 (TTY: 800-618-4225) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Learn more about Geisinger Health Plan Family Medicaid coverage at
Geisinger News Geisinger Medical Center Performs 1000th TAVR Procedure Geisinger Medical Center’s (GMC) structural heart disease team recently performed its 1000th transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) at the hospital. TAVR is a less-invasive approach to treating diseased and narrowed aortic valves (aortic stenosis). Physicians can replace a diseased valve without performing open-heart surgery. Instead, they insert a small, thin tube (catheter) into an artery in the groin and feed a new, collapsed valve to the heart where it is deployed to regulate blood flow. Unlike traditional heart valve surgery, known as surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR), TAVR requires only a small puncture and allows for quicker recovery and shorter hospital stays. “We developed the first program in the region to offer TAVR, and we’ve been performing the procedure longer than any other health system in northeastern and central Pennsylvania,” said Shikhar Agarwal, M.D., interventional cardiologist at GMC. “Performing 1,000 procedures is an achievement that displays our deep experience and specialized expertise. We’re making better health easier by treating a wide range of patients with aortic stenosis and getting them back to their active lifestyles quickly.” Geisinger began offering TAVR in 2011 when the procedure was approved for patients in need of valve replacement but at high risk for complication with SAVR. Since then, the treatment has been approved for patients at moderate and low risk, and the TAVR program has grown to care for patients at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in Wilkes-Barre and Geisinger Community Medical Center in Scranton. Patients with valve disease are evaluated by Geisinger’s heart valve team to determine the best therapy for each patient. For many patients, including those who have more than one damaged valve or coronary artery disease, SAVR is still the most appropriate and safest treatment. But TAVR is now a proven option, producing positive health outcomes in patients of all risk levels with the added benefits of faster healing and discharge processes. “Reaching this milestone is a testament to the proficiency our team has built over the last 11 years and the trust we’ve earned in the communities we serve,” said Dr. Agarwal. “I’m grateful for the hard work and compassionate care of every member of the structural heart disease team, past and present, whose dedication and service to our patients has led this program to where it is today.” Geisinger to Open ConvenientCare and Lab Facility in South Abington Geisinger is opening a new ConvenientCare and medical lab facility at 631 Northern Blvd. in South Abington Township. The new location, called ConvenientCare South Abington and Geisinger Medical Labs South Abington, will open to patients on Tuesday, July 5. Patients can expect the same high-quality care with improved access and more convenience. The new opening will relocate the existing ConvenientCare Clarks Summit location from inside Weis Markets and the Clarks Summit Medical Labs location on State Street. Geisinger has invested approximately $1.1 million into the 6,000-square-foot facility and will occupy the entire first floor of the building. The location combines ConvenientCare and medical lab services in one place, expanding to six exam rooms and three draw stations. “We are happy to announce the opening of this new location to better serve those that live in our community and come to Geisinger for care,” said Kathy Lloyd, associate vice president of regional operations and ConvenientCare. “It’s a new, larger and updated facility that’s easier to access. And by providing urgent care and lab services in one location, it’s making better health easier for our patients.” ConvenientCare will be open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. The medical lab will be open weekdays from 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 6:30 to 11 a.m. Geisinger’s ConvenientCare locations are walk-in clinics for family healthcare needs, including treatment of common illnesses, physicals and immunizations. No appointment is necessary, and care is available to anyone 12 months and older. Patients can reach ConvenientCare South Abington at 570-587-2290 or by clicking here. To reach Geisinger Medical Labs South Abington, click here or call 570-587-1874.
Geisinger Specialist Recognized as “Everyday Hero” Ami; Sharma; MD; Infectious; Desease; Hindi; Scranton Geisinger physician Amit Munshi Sharma, M.D., an infectious diseases specialist at Geisinger Community Medical Center in Scranton, has been recognized by the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) with its Everyday Hero award. This award, launched by PAMED in 2018, is designed to showcase physicians who exceed expectations in their profession and in providing patient care. Dr. Sharma was nominated by his peers due to his clinical work during the COVID-19 pandemic. This work included effectively treating and managing more than 1,000 patients admitted to Geisinger Community Medical Center during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the efficient use of the electronic medical record by designing specific smart phrases to improve work efficiency. He designed an infection control approved workflow document for obtaining consent from patients affected with COVID-19 who agreed to take convalescent plasma, while providing effective and continuous training and teaching of trainees (residents and students) about donning and doffing of personal protective gear during the pandemic. Dr. Sharma was also involved in international collaboration with researchers through webinars about various and aspects of COVID-19 treatment. Upon receiving the award, Dr. Sharma was surprised and humbled. “I don’t like being singled out, but then I realized this is really a recognition for my entire team. We worked hard before COVID and even harder since, so it really means a lot to be recognized,” he said. To his colleagues and team, he is known as the “meducator” for his love of education and “paying it forward” to the team around him. Dr. Sharma was born in India, where he attended medical school at B.J. Medical College Pune. He completed his residency and a fellowship in infectious diseases at the State University of New York, Upstate Medical University where he also earned his master’s degree in public health. When asked why he chose to focus on infectious diseases, Dr. Sharma said, “I love to solve puzzles and figure things out. That’s how infectious diseases is for me. When I can study something and come to a conclusion, that’s how I am rewarded.” Patients and medical colleagues can nominate PAMED member physicians for this award at
Geisinger Breaks Ground on Next Cancer Center in Dickson City Geisinger broke ground on a state-of-the art cancer center today, expanding services in Lackawanna County. The center will offer more appointments in the community while keeping world-class cancer care closer to home. The need for cancer care continues to grow in Lackawanna County and is expected to increase over the next four years. Currently, one-in-five patients leave the county to receive care. The planned 55,000-square-foot facility will provide a broader spectrum of services while opening up Geisinger Community Medical Center in Scranton for the hospital to explore more acute care options. “The expansion of cancer care into Lackawanna County allows us to provide more world-class cancer services and contribute to a healthier, more vibrant community,” said Ron Beer, chief administrative officer of Geisinger’s northeast region. “We have served northeastern Pennsylvania for 40 years, and this investment is further proof that we intend to care for and grow with our communities for many years to come.” When the center opens in late 2023, it will be home to 22 infusion bays, three multidisciplinary spaces and a hematology and oncology clinic with 17 exam rooms. The Dickson City facility will also provide radiation oncology — a first for Geisinger in Lackawanna County — a pharmacy, laboratory services and palliative medicine. It will also be home to a variety of patient amenities including food services and a coffee bar, a specialty boutique and a courtyard with lush gardens and natural views. The new cancer center will complement the care already offered at the recently expanded Frank M. and Dorothea Henry Cancer Center at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in Wilkes-Barre and its capacity for inpatient care. It will give our patients and caregivers the option of staying in the area to receive the level of care found in any major hub city. At the Henry Cancer Center, patients can receive inpatient treatment for complex blood cancers like leukemia and aggressive lymphoma. Together, the centers house a regional cancer program that offers everything a patient needs right in NEPA. “Adding this new facility is another step toward making sure patients never have to leave the region for outstanding care,” said Rajiv Panikkar, M.D., chair of the Geisinger Cancer Institute. “The cancer program at Geisinger features top-tier providers and comprehensive care teams, and allows for leading-edge treatment, advanced technologies and clinical trials.” To learn more about cancer care in Lackawanna County, visit
Geisinger Named to Forbes List Geisinger has been named to the 2022 Forbes list of Best Employers for New Graduates. The rankings were selected based on Statista’s innovative methodology, guaranteeing unbiased results and providing reliable insights. More than 20,000 U.S. young professionals who work for companies that employ at least 1,000 people participated in the independent survey, which focused on work-related issues and their experiences in the workplace. “It’s an honor to be recognized,” says Brion Lieberman, chief human resources officer. “We have a strong values-based culture rooted in our people and we want Geisinger to be a place where you can stay and build a rewarding career.” “No matter what stage of your career, there’s something for everyone,” adds Julene Campion, vice president of recruitment and learning & development. “Whether you’re a new graduate or re-entering the workforce, a seasoned professional or looking for a career shift, we have services and programs to help you grow and achieve your goals.” Participants were asked to rate the likelihood they would recommend their employer to family and friends. They also assessed their employers according to safety of work environment, competitiveness of compensation, opportunities for advancement, effectiveness of diversity and inclusion efforts and company image. Finally, participants were asked to evaluate other employers in their respective industries that stand out either positively or negatively. You can view the full list here. Geisinger offers benefits such as retirement programs, parental paid leave, tuition reimbursement and health insurance that starts on the first day of employment. New jobseekers can turn to Geisinger’s Career Center for guidance on resume-building, interview coaching and one-on-one services. Free Wi-Fi and computers are available.For more information, call 877-564-6447 or stop by 529 Mill St. in Danville.
Talking to Your Kids About Recent Tragedies Tawnya Meadows, PhD, Geisinger director of pediatric primary care behavioral health For the second time in two weeks, the nation is faced with a mass shooting, this time taking the lives of 19 fourth-graders and two teachers in Texas. It is easy to immerse ourselves in the media and get caught up in the emotions of the tragedy. But as parents, we should take time to understand the impact on our children and be prepared to talk about these events with them. There is no parenting handbook for this type of discussion, but as a behavioral specialist with a focus on children, I hope I can provide some ways to help parents navigate these uncomfortable but important conversations. The anxiety and stress we feel as parents can impact our children as well. Limiting media exposure and not immersing yourself in 24-hour coverage is the first step to reducing anxiety. Be mindful of your conversations and the words you choose. Try not to project emotions of frustration or hate. Our children pick up on our moods and overhear conversations, and those can play a role in amplifying their anxiety or other negative feelings. Second, make time to discuss your child’s feelings — from a developmentally appropriate perspective. For elementary or middle school children, you may want to have a conversation while doing a preferred activity, such as coloring, playing catch or kicking a soccer ball. This can help children feel relaxed and express their emotions. Third, be a good listener. Find out what your child knows about the subject and their feelings on it. Don’t have these conversations right before bedtime, though, as it could cause kids to have trouble sleeping. Finally, be reassuring. Let your child know that they are safe and that in general, schools are safe. Point out the security measures that their own school takes for visitors. Remind them about the adults that are around to keep them safe. For kids of high school age, who are more aware of such situations, know that they will have conversations with their friends to find comfort and understanding. Remind them to me mindful of others when they discuss the events in public situations. They may inadvertently increase anxiety in a peer who they are not aware has a history of trauma. Furthermore, stress that if they see something they are uncomfortable with or that looks suspicious, they should say something. Simply put, there is no easy way to discuss tragedies with children. But making time to listen to their feelings and understand their concerns can go a long way toward helping reassure your children and making them feel safe. And above all, trach your children to choose kindness and notice the kindness in others.