Former State Rep. Mike Peifer Joins Novak Strategic Advisors

Novak Strategic Advisors today announced that former State Representative Mike Peifer has joined the firm as a Senior Advisor. Peifer most recently served in the State House of Representatives, representing the 139th legislative district – which consists of parts of Pike and Wayne Counties – for eight terms.

“We are thrilled to have Mike join the Novak Strategic team,” Novak Strategic Advisors’ Managing Partner Dan Hayward said. “Mike’s private sector experience working in the financial field and as a small business owner coupled with his vast knowledge of state government gives him unique perspective and insight on a wide range of issues affecting the Commonwealth’s business, higher education, regulatory and taxation environments. As an elected official, Mike’s leadership and consensus building skills were recognized and respected by members on both sides of the political aisle. We look forward to adding his valuable insights, knowledge and experience to the Novak team.”

Throughout his tenure in the state legislature, Peifer garnered a reputation for thoroughly understanding the state’s complex fiscal issues. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee and chair of the House Finance Committee, he was intricately involved in the Commonwealth budget process, as well as updates and changes to Pennsylvania’s Tax Code.
Additionally, for the past 6 years, Peifer has served as Chair of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). The agency administers financial aid resources and tools for Pennsylvania students. Peifer’s public service career also includes local government experience – he previously served as the Pike County Treasurer. Prior to running for office, he worked as a certified public accountant and was a senior tax consultant for Price Waterhouse.

“Novak Strategic Advisors has long been regarded as one of the most reputable, well-rounded, results driven advocacy organizations in Harrisburg and across the Pennsylvania,” Peifer said. “Whether it be public affairs, government relations or grassroots and grasstops strategies, I learned very early in my career as a state representative that when the Novak team is involved you are dealing with a slate of hard-working professionals that know the issues inside and out. I’m excited to lend my expertise to the firm and look forward to helping our clients locally, regionally and across Pennsylvania.”

For more than 20 years, Novak Strategic Advisors has offered comprehensive and targeted government relations and public affairs solutions to real-world business needs. Its unique, client-centered approach is based on personalized and focused strategies that incorporate its vast statewide networks, consensus and relationship building, and creating cohesive coalitions. To learn more about Novak Strategic, please visit its website at