NET Credit Union Donates to Saint Joseph’s Center

NET Credit Union recently donated $30,000 to their 2022 charity recipient, Saint Joseph’s Center Trinity Child Care Center. All funds raised from the 9th Annual NEToberfest Golf Tournament at Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club, as well as donations through our branches, benefited the children at Saint Joseph’s Center Trinity Child Care Center.

In 2014, Saint Joseph’s Center opened its latest program, Trinity Child Care Center. Their mission is to help children who require medical care throughout the day flourish developmentally, cognitively, and emotionally. Individual programs focus on a child’s abilities and small group activities develop play skills and peer interaction.

The need in our area for a facility like Trinity Child Care Center is higher than most think. The center is for children whose parents are working or attending school that struggle finding appropriate childcare. Trinity Child Care Center is a relief for parents due to the professional trained staff and hands on care.

Pictured from left to right: Karen Clifford, NET Credit Union Board Member; Michele Johnston, RN, Director of Trinity Child Care Center; Sister Maryalice Jacquinot, IHM, President & CEO of Saint Joseph’s Center; Clarence Baltrusaitis, NET Credit Union CEO; and Lauren Pabst, NET Credit Union Marketing Manager. 

Johnson College’s First-Ever Cornhole Tournament

Johnson College announces Net Credit Union as the sponsor of its first-ever cornhole tournament. This tournament will take place during the College’s inaugural Fall Fest event on October 1, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Johnson College campus in Scranton, PA.

The tournament will feature both Social ($20/team) and Competitive ($40/team) divisions with double elimination. A team will consist of two players, and anyone from beginners to pros can play. Prizes for the Social division will include: 1st place, $100 cash; 2nd place, $50 in gift cards. Prizes for the Competitive division will include: 1st place, $300 cash; 2nd place, $150 cash. There will be food and non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase. Teams can pre-register online at or register at the door from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

NET Credit Union Celebrates New Taylor Branch

NET Credit Union held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Taylor, PA location on Monday, September 19th. The groundbreaking ceremony was held at the branch’s new location, the former Via Appia Catering Building, 900 S. Main Street, Taylor, PA 18517. This building will open as NET Credit Union’s third branch in 2023.

Having been located in Scranton and Olyphant for so many years, NET Credit Union is excited to join another community in Lackawanna County. Opening this new branch will not only welcome new members, but it will also be conveniently located for a large number of our current membership. NET would like to thank our volunteers and employees for their sustained hard work as we continue to grow. NET would also like to thank our members for their continued support as we continue to grow and develop in order to serve them better.

NET Credit Union is excited about this new chapter and is eager to meet all of our neighbors in Taylor, PA. Further details on the official opening date will be announced. Follow NET Credit Union on all social media platforms for updates.

Second Row Pictured L to R: Mike Burke, NET Supervisory Committee Volunteer; Bob Durkin, Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce President; Janelle Kaczmarek, CFO of NET; Clarence Baltrusaitis, CEO of NET; Chuck McKeel, Taylor Borough Councilman

Front Row Pictured L to R: Don Bailey, NET Board Chairman; Karen Clifford, NET Board of Director; Mayor Loni Kavulich Loiselle, Mayor of Taylor Borough; Rich Surridge, NET Board Treasurer; Dick Nezlo, Taylor Borough Councilman; Paul Franceschelli, NET Board of Director; Lori Doherty, NET Board of Director

NET Credit Union Announced as Sponsor of Johnson College’s First Cornhole Tournament

Johnson College announces Net Credit Union as the sponsor of its first-ever cornhole tournament. This tournament will take place during the College’s inaugural Fall Fest event on October 1, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Johnson College campus in Scranton, PA.

The tournament will feature both Social ($20/team) and Competitive ($40/team) divisions with double elimination. A team will consist of two players, and anyone from beginners to pros can play. Prizes for the Social division will include: 1st place, $100 cash; 2nd place, $50 in gift cards. Prizes for the Competitive division will include: 1st place, $300 cash; 2nd place, $150 cash. There will be food and non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase. Teams can pre-register online at or register at the door from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

NET Credit Union Awards Scholarships

NET Credit Union awarded $5,000 in scholarships to two local recipients: a high school student and a college/trade school student. NET Credit Union believes in giving back to our community and in helping our members reach their goals. Each recipient receives a $2,500 scholarship. Scholarship requirements include:

  • Applicant must be a NET Credit Union member.
  • Must have proof of a B average or better and proof of attendance.
  • Must submit a 1,000 word essay with a cover page answering the question below:

Saving for the future isn’t always easy. School, rent, food and other life expenses can quickly take up the majority of your budget. What are your savings goals? How are you planning to save for the future? Is there a product or service you’d wish NET Credit Union offered that could help you save better?

Alicia Farrell, our High School Scholarship Winner, is a senior at Abington Heights High School. She plans to study Biology at Elizabethtown College Honors Program in the fall.

Olivia Hudak, our College/Trade School Scholarship Winner, currently studies Pre-Law at The University of Scranton.

Firefighter Training Held at NET Credit Union’s New Location

Taylor Borough Fire and Rescue recently held a training session at NET Credit Union’s new location, 900 S. Main Street in Taylor, PA on Monday, April 26th, 2022. The new location is the former Via Appia.

Wesley Jones Jr., Rescue Captain with the Taylor Borough Fire Department, contacted NET to utilize the building before demolition begins.  The training was open to all local volunteer fire departments. Chinchilla Hose Company of South Abington Township, Greenwood Fire Resuce, Old Forge Fire Department and West Pittston Hose Company all joined the Taylor Fire Department. All participants practiced search and rescue and roof ventilation drills.

NET Credit Union plans to open their third branch location in Taylor sometime in 2023. NET Credit Union is currently working with architects, Hemmler and Camayd, on a plan. NET Credit Union is excited to be a part of the Taylor community and further this relationship with the fire department.

The Taylor Borough Fire and Rescue hosted an additional training session on Sunday, May 1st at NET Credit Union. The more trainings held, the safer our community will be. NET Credit Union appreciates all first responders and values their dedication to protect our communities.

Net Credit Union Announces 2022 Charity Recipient

Saint Joseph’s Center Trinity Child Care Center is NET Credit Union’s 2022 charity recipient. In 2014, St. Joseph’s Center opened its latest program, Trinity Child Care Center, to benefit medically fragile or technology dependent children. This center opened as an alternative or supplement to in-home nursing care.

The need in our area for a facility like Trinity Child Care Center is higher than most think. The center is for children whose parents are working or attending school that struggle finding appropriate childcare. Trinity Child Care Center is a relief for parents due to the professional trained staff and hands on care.

This year, all funds raised by NET Credit Union’s fundraising efforts will benefit the children at St. Joseph’s Center Trinity Child Care Center. NET Credit Union will be hosting our 9th Annual NEToberfest Golf Tournament Friday, October 7th at Blue Ridge Golf Course. Learn more about our fundraising efforts and event details here.

Since 2015, NET Credit Union has and will continue to fundraise for local charities. In 2021 alone, NET Credit Union donated over $85K to our local community. “People helping people” is not only our motto, but also our community’s motto. Together partnered with St. Joseph’s Center Trinity Child Care Center, we are determined and committed to helping them achieve their goals.

Nominations Accepted for Position on NET Credit Union’s Supervisory Committee

The Board of Directors of NET Credit Union is accepting applications from the general membership for a seat on the Credit Union’s Supervisory Committee.

Beginning January 1, 2022, applications will be accepted for consideration for a seat on the Supervisory Committee.  An applicant must be a member of the Credit Union and their accounts must be in good standing. 

The Supervisory Committee is a volunteer Committee appointed by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Board of Directors and Management of the Credit Union in safeguarding the members’ assets, ensuring the reliability and integrity of financial and operational information, maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, complying with applicable laws and regulations, and fostering and evaluating enterprise risk management activities to ensure the long term viability and success of the Credit Union.

Per federal regulations, these positions are voluntary and do not receive any type of monetary compensation.  However, a member of the Committee does have benefits such as opportunities for education, reasonable travel expenses, excellent networking opportunities and the knowledge that you will be serving your Credit Union to help build its future and ensure its continued success.

Resumes should be sent to the Board Chairman, Don Bailey at or by mail to:

NET Credit Union
Supervisory Committee Application
Attention:  Don Bailey, Chairman
119 Mulberry Street
Scranton, PA  18503

All applications must be received by the end of business on March 31, 2022.

NET Credit Union Donates to The Greater Scranton YMCA

NET Credit Union donated $10,000 to The Greater Scranton YMCA to benefit their 2021 Capital Campaign. The Capital Campaign benefits renovations to serve their community better.

The YMCA currently offers numerous programs to benefit all ages and demographics of our local community. The donations from The Capital Campaign will go towards a new kitchen that will benefit current and future programs and a new Welcome Center that will be more “user friendly” and secure for both staff and members. These updated areas will allow The YMCA to offer more programs and services.

The YMCA is a Preffered Partner Group of NET Credit Union. This means all staff is able to Bank On NET. We apprecaite all of our relationships with our Preffered Partners, especially ones that benefit our local community like The Greater Scranton YMCA.

NET Credit Union Expands Partnership with Lackawanna College

NET Credit Union recently furthered their partnership with their Preferred Partner Group, Lackawanna College, by offering tuition-free classes to NET employees.  

Under the agreement, qualifying NET Credit Union employees can pursue an Associate or Bachelor’s Degree at Lackawanna College. Lackawanna College offers over thirty different degrees, majors, and certificates.

“We are excited to further our relationship with NET Credit Union with this free tuition announcement.  We are also grateful for NET’s investment in their employees as well as their trust in us to offer them an amazing opportunity to continue their education,” said Dr. Jill Murray, Lackawanna College President. Our programs are designed to meet the relevant needs of today’s workforce by making college affordable and accessible for everyone.”

“The Lackawanna College Business Partnership Scholarship Initiative helps businesses of all sizes develop and retain employees,” said Jeff Gregory, Director of College Enrollment Partnerships. “A partnership with Lackawanna College includes a tuition scholarship that can be offered to employees, allowing the workforce to pursue a bachelor’s or associate degree.”

“This program will simultaneously help grow our employees’ personal development, as well as the capabilities of our business. NET Credit Union is thrilled to partner with Lackawanna College in this program,” states Clarence Baltrusaitis, NET Credit Union CEO.

Lackawanna College is a Preferred Partner Group of NET Credit Union. This means all students, staff, and faculty are eligible to Bank on NET.  The tuition program not only benefits our relationship with Lackawanna College, but it also strengthens our employee benefits. NET Credit Union looks forward to furthering our partnership with Lackawanna College.