Wayne Bank Finance Team Inducted into PA Bankers Association

Wayne Bank’s William S. Lance, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; and Nancy Hart, Senior Vice President and Controller, were recently recognized by the Pennsylvania Bankers Association (“PBA”) for their 40 years of service to the banking industry.

New inductees to the 40-Year Club, Mr. Lance and Mrs. Hart were honored at the PBA Group 3 meeting that was held in March.

Jim Donnelly, President and Chief Executive Officer of Wayne Bank said, “We are so proud to congratulate Bill and Nancy on achieving this milestone of service to the community banking industry. It is a privilege for Wayne Bank’s customers, shareholders, and employees to enjoy the benefit of their extensive experience, leadership, and dedication after 40 impressive years in banking.”

A graduate of the University of Scranton, Mr. Lance has served the banking industry for over forty years, including the last 13 years at Wayne Bank. In his current position as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, he is responsible for managing the finance division of the Bank. His duties include finance and accounting activities, interest rate risk management, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Mr. Lance has a history of involvement with the Pennsylvania Bankers Association and has served the organization in various capacities, including Secretary of Group 3 since 2011.

Mrs. Hart joined the Bank in 1979 as a member of the Bookkeeping Department. Over the course of her career with Wayne Bank, she has held positions in the Loan Department, as a Branch Manager, and as a Finance Manager in the Accounting Department. In 1997, Mrs. Hart was promoted to Controller and Assistant Secretary. In 2015, she was promoted to her current title of Senior Vice President. Nancy holds an associate degree with honors in Banking and Finance through the American Institute of Banking. She has also completed a two-year Graduate School of Banking and Financial Management program and is a graduate of the PBA’s School of Banking.

The Pennsylvania Bankers Association, located in Harrisburg, is the state’s leading banking trade association representing an expansive and diverse membership. The Association offers extensive continuing education programs, government relations representation on behalf of the industry, and provides numerous products and services for banks and their employees.

Wayne Bank is a subsidiary of Norwood Financial Corp., Member FDIC, and is located in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. The Bank has 29 Community Offices serving Wayne, Pike, Monroe, Lackawanna, and Luzerne Counties in Pennsylvania, along with Delaware, Sullivan, Otsego, Ontario, and Yates Counties in New York State, including those offices operating under the Bank of Cooperstown and Bank of the Finger Lakes brands. The stock trades on the NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol— NWFL.

NEPIRC Launches Dream Team Ambassador Program

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC) recently launched an innovative new program to connect high school students with rising young professionals working for manufacturers and industrial companies throughout NEPIRC’s 11-county coverage area.

The Dream Team Manufacturing Ambassador Program’s 31 ambassadors represent 25 companies. The programintroduces high school students, faculty, administrators and parents to younger manufacturing professionals to gain a unique understanding of the vibrant manufacturing sector and the variety of jobs available in our region.

“We are excited to have this talented group of young professionals be the inaugural ambassadors for our program. We created the Manufacturing Dream Team to provide high school students with a better understanding of the advancements of Northeastern Pennsylvania’s manufacturing sector and to share with them the purposeful, rewarding and high-tech careers that our manufacturers offer,” said Eric Joseph Esoda, President & CEO, NEPIRC. “Manufacturing in our region has evolved over the last decade and these individuals are the perfect people to represent and communicate that evolution.”

As ambassadors, these manufacturing professionals will share their educational and professional experiences during career fairs and other school events. NEPIRC’s school outreach efforts are made possible by the Pennsylvania Manufacturing PA Training-to-Career Grant approved by the Department of Community & Economic Development in 2022.

During today’s orientation session, Dream Team Project Coordinator Jenelle Osborne introduced the participants and discussed the goals and objectives for the program, how to develop their one-minute elevator pitch and what to expect during the in-school career fair experience.

“We have an amazing group of ambassadors. I have no doubt they will do very well representing their companies, NEPIRC and the multitude of career opportunities available with the manufacturers in the region. Their stories will resonate with students and hopefully inspire them to look to a future career in the manufacturing industry,” said Osborne.

Several of the ambassadors are Wyoming Valley natives who have chosen to stay in the Valley and work in manufacturing. Each had a different path to their current careers and looks forward to sharing their story with area students.

Kate Logan, a native of Kingston, works for Noble Biomaterials in Scranton as the quality systems manager. A graduate of Kutztown University with a degree in psychology, Logan is a prime example of someone whose career path took an unexpected, but welcome turn following graduation.

“In high school I wanted to be a guidance counselor like my mother or school psychologist, but as I got closer to graduation, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go down that path. I happened to get a job with a local manufacturing company working in production and quality and I have not left manufacturing since. I’m very proud to work in a previously male-dominated industry,” said Logan, who explained how her psychology degree offers many professional opportunities. “The degree comes in handy, working with people and the variety of personalities you come across in the workplace.”

Zach Mulhern of Exeter explored several career opportunities while attending LCCC, Temple University and Misericordia University, where his plans for a career in nursing changed. His experiences in the school’s business program gave him a strong background to begin working for his father’s company, Ashley Machine and Tool located in West Wyoming.

Mulhern is thriving in his current role as materials manager, where no two days are the same. “I ended up transitioning quickly into a different career path from nursing, and I couldn’t be happier. The biggest thing for high school students is to get out of the societal norms and this notion that everyone needs to have advanced degrees. I ultimately did what made me happy. I like to be on my feet, learn and do something different every day,” he said. “This job intrigues me physically and mentally. There is great money to be made in manufacturing. I realized after six years of college, that if I’m not happy, what am I working for?”

Bear Creek native Julia Miller is a process engineer for Mitsubishi Chemical Group in Scranton. Miller had a strong interest in mechanics at a young age, but encouragement from her father showed her the benefits of pursuing engineering as a career. She graduated from Penn State Harrisburg with a mechanical engineering degree in 2020. Miller looks forward to sharing her story with high school students.

“The more I think about talking with students, I just want to speak authentically. I want to showcase what I’ve done because it came so naturally for me. I didn’t look at myself as an underdog because I’m a woman in engineering. I just looked at it as what would anyone in this position do and how can I do my best,” she said.

Miller wants to encourage students to look at non-traditional ways to get the education they need for their desired career paths. Miller started taking college level courses while in high school, something she encourages students to consider.

“Get into those programs early if you can. You’re in high school and you may not want to do more schooling, but looking back it was the best thing I did,” said Miller. “A lot of companies will help pay for your education. It comes down to your personal drive. The company will see you want to do more, and you want to grow, and they will invest in that as well.”

Sixteen of the ambassadors participated in the orientation program in Luzerne County on March 31. Ambassadors representing companies in the Northern Tier will participate in an orientation program on April 4 in Towanda.

School guidance counselors interested in having a Dream Team Ambassador speak at a career fair or other school event should contact Osborne via email, jenelle@nepirc.com. For more information, visit their website, www.NEPIRC.com.

The Wright Center Resident Physician Aids Turkey

Dr. Chaitanya Rojulpote, a PGY-3 internal medicine resident and chief resident of research and scholarly activity, has been a witness to the toll a humanitarian crisis can have on people of all ages and knows the important role volunteers play in recovery efforts.

When refugees from Ukraine poured into the border town of Medyka, Poland, in April 2022 seeking safe haven from Russia’s invasion of their country, he flew overseas and teamed with a nongovernmental medical relief organization to render aid in makeshift medical tents. From there, he addressed the medical concerns of young and old, alike, oftentimes offering caring reassurances while tending to their medical needs.

In February 2023, a natural disaster killed tens of thousands of people in Turkey and left untold damages to their infrastructure as entire cities were reduced to rubble due to 7.8 and 7.3 earthquakes and its more than 10,000 aftershocks.

Within two weeks of the earthquake, Dr. Rojulpote purchased airfare to Istanbul, Turkey, where he caught a connecting flight to Adana, Turkey. From there, he drove 4 ½ hours to the earthquake site so he could volunteer his medical services with International Medical Relief, an international nongovernmental organization that provides health care to vulnerable and underserved populations by recruiting health care professionals and doctors.

Dr. Rojulpote and other volunteers provided care to the citizens of Turkey on the ground floor of a local hospital, before a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the region and compromised its structural integrity, requiring the team to move their care to a medical camp. He was 12 minutes from the epicenter of this earthquake, which caused buildings in the area to collapse. He treated trauma acute and chronic medical conditions and trauma cases.

The Hatay Province, where he was based, also straddled the border with war-torn Syria. Volunteers and residents in Turkey could hear the far-off military activity from the neighboring country.

Dr. Rojulpote will make a presentation about his humanitarian mission on Tuesday, April 11 at 5 p.m. in the auditorium of The Wright Center for Community Health Scranton Practice. The PowerPoint presentation features videos and photographs of the devastation and heart-felt messages from Turkish residents, that when translated, state: “We will build here again.”

To donate, please go to TheWrightCenter.org/donations-for-turkey. Donations will also be accepted at the door before and after the presentation

Commonwealth Health Donation to Local Organizations

In recognition of National Doctors’ Day on March 30th, Commonwealth Health hospitals Moses Taylor Hospital and Regional Hospital of Scranton are honoring their physicians by donating twenty-five hundred dollars to the St. Joseph’s Center and United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA in Scranton.
This day is designated to thank doctors for their heroic compassion in our time of need. This is an opportunity to pause and recognize their tireless efforts and commitment to your health and the health of your loved ones.
This year, Moses Taylor Hospital and Regional Hospital physicians elected to support the community by donating to nonprofit organizations in lieu of gifts that the hospitals would provide to them in honor of Doctors’ Day.
“On Doctors’ Day, and every day, we are thankful to work with skilled and compassionate providers.” said Michael Curran, CEO of Commonwealth Health Moses Taylor Hospital and Regional Hospital of Scranton. “We are grateful for their contributions, sacrifices, and unwavering care provided to the patients our hospitals and clinics treat each year throughout the community.”
Earlier this month, the physicians voted to determine what organizations would receive the donations and they elected to help the St. Joseph’s Center and United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA in Scranton. United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA’s purpose is to meet the needs of local low-income families, seniors, youth, and new immigrants, while also empowering them to attain self-sufficiency. Rooted in the core values of care, concern, compassion and commitment, the Saint Joseph’s Center humbly serves people who are diagnosed with intellectual disability and those who seek pregnancy support, adoption assistance, outpatient therapy or medical day care services.

Settlers Hospitality Raises over $5,000 for Foundation

Settlers Hospitality hosted their annual Chili and Wing Cookoff at Silver Birches in March. The event drew over 300 people and raised more than $5,000 for the Settlers Cares Foundation.

Over 20 of the best chefs from local restaurants, schools, and organizations, as well as talented home cooks, dished out their best wing and chili recipes to be named tops in each category. Event goers sampled all the entries and voted for the People’s Choice Award. Ticket sales, along with a 50/50 raffle, netted $5,118 for the Settlers Cares Foundation. The newly formed non-profit provides short-term, emergency support to Settlers Hospitality employees and affiliates experiencing hardship.

“This was our first fundraising endeavor and it’s incredibly gratifying that the community came out and showed such amazing support,” states Janna Genzlinger, Settlers Cares Foundation Executive Director. “We’re honored and humbled by the success of the event, which will enable us to assist our co-workers and affiliate employees in their darkest hour.”  The Foundation provides tax-free grants to eligible workers in need due to an unexpected life event such as natural disaster, illness or death. Upcoming fundraisers benefitting Settlers Cares Foundation include a Tent Sale on May 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Settlers Inn featuring upcycled goods. A gala is also slated for November and a concert in December. For more information, visit SettlersCares.org

Crystal Windows Unveils New Recruiting Videos

National manufacturer Crystal Window & Door Systems recently created a series of recruiting videos featuring employees discussing their experiences working at the company.  These interviews include longtime and newly hired employees working in production, sales, administration, and logistics at Crystal locations across the country and at subsidiary Gateway Extrusions in Union, MO.

At a time when manufacturers face hiring challenges, Crystal has revamped and improved many of its recruiting strategies, employment benefits offered, and employee communications.  The new recruiting videos are part of this effort, which is showing positive results.

“In addition to competitive salaries and benefits, Crystal offers employees opportunities for career development at every stage, from their first day,” said Isabella Leung, HR Manager.  “Most of our supervisors and managers have been promoted from within the company because of the experience and knowledge gained on the job, and they are recognized throughout the industry as experts and leaders.”

The employee experience themed recruiting videos, 23 in all, are posted on a rotating schedule on Crystal’s social media platforms, corporate website, and company YouTube channel.  They are also a featured highlight at business expos, career fairs, and on campus recruiting events Crystal attends in the metro New York, northeast Pennsylvania, St. Louis, MO, and Riverside, CA regions where Crystal and subsidiary factories are located.

“Besides being great for outside career fairs, Crystal’s recruiting videos are an effective tool for our current employees to share with family and friends who may be interested in joining the Crystal family,” said Leung.  “Our employees speak from the heart about the satisfaction they find working at Crystal.  These are powerful testimonials.”

A sample of Crystal recruiting videos can be seen at the company website, under the About Crystal/Careers tab at https://crystalwindows.com/careers.  These and other employee interview videos were made in conjunction with updates to Crystal’s award-winning corporate video The Story of Us, seen on the website home page.

NeighborWorks Receives Contribution

NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania (NeighborWorks) recently accepted a contribution from The Dime Bank (Dime), in the amount of $10,000 through the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development’s Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP).
The contribution will support the Scranton Beautiful Blocks Program for 2023. Beautiful Blocks, which is jointly sponsored by NeighborWorks and the City of Scranton, provides matching grants of up to $1,000 to each member of a group of at least five Scranton residents to help them make exterior improvements to their homes. Grants are awarded annually through a competitive application process.
“As a community bank, The Dime Bank is proud to partner with NeighborWorks and contribute to their efforts of revitalizing neighborhoods and building community connections. We are excited to be part of their Beautiful Blocks program that encourages team work among neighbors and invests in property improvement,” stated William Boyle, The Dime Bank Senior Vice President, Chief Lending Officer.
“We want to sincerely thank The Dime Bank for their generous contribution towards this year’s Beautiful Blocks program in Scranton,” said Jesse Ergott, NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania President & CEO. “We are grateful for their commitment to making a positive impact in our community and beyond.”

DIMECO, INC. Declares Cash Dividend

On March 23, 2023, The Board of Directors of Dimeco, Inc. (OTCQX: DIMC) declared a dividend of $.38 per share for the first quarter of 2023, which represents a dividend yield of 4.05% based on the closing stock price of $37.50. The dividend is payable on April 27, 2023, to shareholders of record on April 6, 2023. This dividend is an increase of $0.02 per share, or 5.56% over the dividend declared for the same period 2022. 

President and Chief Executive Officer Peter Bochnovich, stated, “Our shareholders’ investment is the foundation for the sustained growth of Dimeco, Inc. The increased dividend is our way to show that we value their continued support and commitment.”

Johnson College Announces New Associate Degree

Students can now enroll in Johnson College’s new two-year Aviation Technology associate degree program scheduled to begin with the Fall 2023 semester.

The Aviation Technology program prepares students as entry-level technicians with the latest information on diagnosis, repair procedures, preventative maintenance, and necessary safety application in aviation technology. Through a partnership with the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, students will complete air frame and power plant instruction in a lab located at the airport, pending approval by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. This opportunity will provide students with a very unique and hands-on learning experience in industry.

The program will provide students with the knowledge and skills outlined in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Mechanics Airman Certification Standard (ACS) in preparation for the FAA licensure exam for general, airframe, and powerplant knowledge.

“The aviation technology industry expects rapid-paced growth within the next decade,” said Dr. Katie Leonard, Johnson College’s President and CEO. “Johnson College is prepared to meet that demand by offering our students hands-on experience and training on campus and at in-field labs, giving them an advantage to succeed in this in-demand industry.

Students within this program will be prepared for careers in the aviation technology industry as aircraft mechanics, airframe mechanics, aviation technicians, aircraft specialists, and similar roles. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the aviation technology field has a 6% growth potential through 2031. Graduates have the opportunity to earn a median annual income of up to $65,550.

“We’re excited to have this new partnership with Johnson College”, said Carl R. Beardsley, Jr., AVP Executive Director. “This new degree program will greatly benefit the aviation industry, and we support Johnson College in its efforts to meet the demand in these fields in the world of aviation.”

Johnson College has received a three-year Advanced Technological Education grant for $307,706 from the National Science Foundation to support the Aviation Technology program. For more information about or to enroll in this program, please contact Johnson College’s Enrollment Department at 570-702-8856 or enroll@johnson.edu.

WVIA’s Employee Accepted into Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy

Vicki Austin, Senior Director of Grants and Education at WVIA, has been accepted into the Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy.

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy will bring leaders from across NEPA together for a year-long series of retreats, workshops, and action learning projects relating to workforce development.

Through this acceptance, Vicki will become part of the Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunity Fellows Network, joining Fellows from fourteen (14) previous Academies in eleven cities in the US and Canada.

“I’m looking forward to contributing my time, in collaboration with other leaders, to the growth of our local workforce ecosystem,” said Vicki Austin. “This gives each of us the opportunity to jointly respond to a regional need while strengthening partnerships across communities.”

The Academy provides a forum for local leaders to work collaboratively to identify local and regional systems-based challenges and create shared solutions for economic opportunity for all. Fellows work with leading practitioners throughout the country as they deepen networks; strengthen systems leadership skills; apply race, equity, and systems change frameworks to their work; and increase understanding of effective strategies and programs. To learn more about the Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy, please visit https://safdn.org.