Participate in the Electric City Trolley Museum Trim-a-Tree Challenge

This holiday season the staff of The Electric City Trolley Museum is inviting a team of students of your choice plus an adult coordinator to participate in our 5th annual Electric City “Trim-a-Tree” Challenge.

Our Plan is to provide undecorated trees for your group to trim with your own decorations following a theme. This year’s theme is “Popular Board Games”. Clear light, 7-7.5 foot pre-lit trees will be available for trimming starting November 1st through November 24th. All participating students will receive a gift certificate for two for our 2022 season.

Cash prizes will be issued for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorable mention.
1st place: $275 gift card
2nd place: $225 gift card
3rd place: $175 gift card
Honorable Mention: $125 gift card

Winners will be determined by our visitors’ votes for their favorite tree. Participating school may collect money on their own at $1 per vote and/or encourage family, friends and school personnel etc. to come enjoy our museum plus all the trees at $2 admission and vote for their favorite tree. All participants and their families and friends are invited to a reception held in our museum on Thursday December 30th from 2 to 3 p.m. during which time all winners will be announced and gift certificates will be distributed.

Space for this event is limited so reservations are required. We will begin taking reservations on October 1st. If interested, please contact us with any questions and to reserve a tree. Reservations should be made no later than October 31st. Our museum is open 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Phone: 570-963-6590

The American Heart Association Encourages Participation in National Wear Red Day

Wear Red Day is approaching fast. While we won’t have our traditional Red Dress Pins, bracelets and paper hearts this year, we are still encouraging and supporting companies and the community to support our mission by Wearing Red and spreading awareness about heart disease in women. 

How can you participate?!?

Take pictures! Lots of pictures! And post the on social media using #nepaheartwalk
Need fun ideas on how to support in a virtual world?

  • Turn your Zoom background Red and take a picture of the group while on a conference call.
  • Start your meetings with a Heart fact. Need inspiration, find more information on
  • Walking meetings! Why chat in your seat when you can take your meeting to the hallways….get those steps in!
  • For those of you who are in the office, conduct a dress down day. Or a camera off Zoom day!

Due to the pandemic, we are handling donations a little differently this year.

  • Have cash? Can it be converted into a check or an online donation?
  • Checks should be made out the AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION and mailed to the address below. Please indicate on a note enclosed that this money is for a Wear Red Day fundraiser in Northeast PA.

American Heart Association
P.O. Box 3049
Syracuse, NY 13202