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The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce has prioritized support for economic development efforts in northeast Pennsylvania. As a component, the Chamber Board of Directors has unanimously approved a resolution in full support of the restoration of a rail passenger service between Scranton, the Poconos, and New York City—as proposed by Amtrak and included in the recently passed federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Bill. The resolution was forwarded to the Office of the President, Governor Wolf, and elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels.
If established, this new service would provide positive recruitment opportunities for businesses, education institutions, as well as the tourism and recreational industries and more – with an estimated annual impact of $87 million.
The next step is the support of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. With that, we’re asking businesses to back the Amtrak rail service proposal by sending a message to Governor Wolf, the Secretary of Transportation (PennDOT), as well as other federal, state, and local officials. You can very simply reference support for the Chamber resolution (see draft message and contact list below) or craft your own message.
Similarly, we encourage those who would like to support this effort individually to visit the Scranton Rail Restoration Coalition website to sign a petition in favor of the project. You can review the Chamber resolution here.