The University of Scranton Research Shows Shape Matters at Nano Level

Understanding how structures interact at the microscopic and even molecular scales has been studied for decades, with applications developed for numerous products ranging from pharmaceuticals and medical treatments to dry cleaning. In researching nanostructure interactions, certain approximations of structural properties that could not be precisely measured were commonly used.

New research by John Deák, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry at The University of Scranton, combined two existing techniques for the first-time to test the approximations used for reverse micelle structural properties, which are often applied in studying microscopic interactions. The research, published in October in the Journal of Molecular Liquids, shows that assumptions of the shape of the structure at a certain scale range were incorrect.

“The research finding means a lot of text books will have to be updated,” joked Dr. Deák of the significance of his research, which will actually lead to more precise calculations of nano-level interactions that can be applied to drug delivery systems and other life-saving, or life-changing, applications.

Dr. Deák explained that approximations used for the reverse micelle structure assumed a spherical shape, which his research confirmed is correct in certain scale ranges. However, his research showed that the structure changes to an ellipsoidal or egg-like shape at another range of the scale. He said the research explains variations found in data collected in numerous other studies conducted over decades.

“There was speculation about the assumed shape of the reverse micelle structures, because data collected in studies didn’t always fall in the expected range of calculations, but we didn’t have the ability to determine the shape,” said Dr. Deák, who worked on this project for five years. He combined two existing research techniques to examine various shape considerations for the first time which revealed a decades-long misunderstanding about the structure.

“This shows that we cannot assume shapes of nanostructures. We must determine the shapes and develop techniques to enable us to do this,” said Dr. Deák.

His study is titled “Volumetric determination of reverse micelle structural properties and the validity of commonplace approximations.”

Dr. Deák’s research interests include the molecular dynamics of condensed phases and interfaces, energy transfer mechanisms over self-assembled liquid boundaries, and permeation enhancement of biological tissue. His research has been published in dozens of academic journals, including the prestigious journal Science. He is an inventor on more than two dozen patents.

A faculty member at Scranton since 2002, Dr. Deák earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Buffalo and his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Rochester. He completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Illinois, Champaign.

Penn State Scranton Center for Business Development and Community Outreach

Penn State Scranton has an Information Sciences and Technology (IST) Professor that is looking for businesses /organizations in our area that have a needed project that can be incorporated into his Spring semester course. 

The students are seniors who have completed all courses in our IST program including networking, programming, organizational processes, databases, and security. There will be about 4 teams of 3-4 students who will be able to work on a specific industry IT real world project. The project can have a wide range of employer interaction from weekly to much less frequently. The majority of the work will need to be accomplished offsite of the employer’s premises. Projects can be in web design, networking, programming, software analysis, security, business process, or other IT related topics. There is no compensation allowed as this is a class project. We have worked successfully in the past with large and small companies in our area on a wide variety of projects. We hope that we can find some great projects that can help our local businesses as well as our students.

Please let us know if you and your colleagues have any needs in this area and would entertain some collaboration. Email us at

The professor makes the final decision as to the proper fit of projects for the course.

Keystone Mission Receives ARPA Grant

Keystone Mission was awarded a $25,000 grant from the City of Scranton American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Nonprofit Grants Fund in partnership with the Scranton Area Community Foundation. The funding will help replenish the revenue loss during the Covid-19 pandemic and weather financial hardship brought by the unexpected expenses related.

The Dime Bank Donates to the YMCA Project

The Dime Bank donates $124,250.00 to the YMCA Project through the Department of Community and Economic Development under the Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credit Program.

The Wayne County YMCA has outgrown the current historical building and needs a new facility as the current facility is becoming too costly to operate.

The Dime Bank believes in supporting our community by partnering with many non-profits. Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey Roche stated, “The Dime Bank aspires to be an integral part of the neighborhoods that we service and where our customers and employees work, raise their families, and live. We are proud to help create a modern, state-of-the-art facility for everyone to enjoy.”

“A community project of this size and scope would not be possible without the support of The Dime Bank. Their donation of $124,250.00 will enable us to complete phase 1 of this project which includes the development and completion of engineering/design work, site development plans, sewage design, and various permits. We thank The Dime Bank for their commitment and participation in this critical community project,” stated YMCA Board President Jennifer DeYoung.

SACF Launches Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy

The Scranton Area Community Foundation held a press conference on Thursday, December 8, 2022, at the Hilton Scranton Hotel & Conference Center to announce that it was selected to serve as a host site for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy, a fellowship program designed by the Aspen Institute designed to support leaders in workforce development committed to the advancement of the regional workforce ecosystem.

The Scranton Area Community Foundation was one of only eight organizations chosen from across the country selected through a competitive process to deliver an Academy in partnership with the Aspen Institute. Other cities selected include Tucson, Detroit, Cleveland, Memphis, San Antonio, Baltimore, and Buffalo.

The Workforce Leadership Academy will bring leaders – recognized as Fellows of the Academy – from across the local workforce ecosystem together for a year-long series of retreats, workshops, and action learning projects. Fellows work with leading practitioners throughout the country as they deepen networks; strengthen systems leadership skills; apply race, equity, and systems change frameworks to their work; and increase understanding of effective strategies and programs.  An advisory board comprised of regional experts will help to shape the Academy.

Eighteen to twenty-four fellows in Northeastern Pennsylvania will be selected through a competitive application process. The Scranton Area Community Foundation and its partners encourage senior-level managers from across the workforce ecosystem of nonprofit organizations, business associations, union-based training efforts, public agencies, and community colleges that have the authority to implement changes to apply.

Applications and Academy details are available online at

The deadline for application submissions is Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 5:00 pm. Interested applicants can learn more about the Academy on an informational webinar to be held on December 20, 2022. Details can be found at

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Workforce Leadership Academy is made possible by the generous support of The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation in addition to the Scranton Area Community Foundation.

“The Scranton Area Community Foundation has decided to host this important leadership academy because of the need for a cross-sector, collaborative workforce effort aimed at systems change in NEPA,” said Laura Ducceschi, President & CEO of the Scranton Area Community Foundation.  “We established NEPA Thrives, an equity-based workforce initiative, and the NEPA Workforce Leadership Academy is a key part of this focus area. Fellows will identify challenges within the workforce ecosystem and work to develop solutions in key areas.”

Geisinger elected for American Society for Clinical Pathology’s Choosing Wisely Champions

Geisinger Adult Gastroenterology and Laboratory Medicine were elected by The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) as one of their 2022 Choosing Wisely® Champions for advancing appropriate test utilization at the health system and demonstrating leadership of a local Choosing Wisely® effort.

ASCP’s Choosing Wisely® Champions program is part of ASCP’s broader Choosing Wisely® campaign, an initiative of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation, which seeks to advance a national dialogue on avoiding unnecessary medical tests, treatments, and procedures. The program recognizes the efforts of dedicated pathologists and laboratory professionals for making informed decisions about laboratory testing. Recommendations improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs, and the Choosing Wisely® Champions encourage their colleagues to use the right test at the right time for the right cost.

“This award recognizes the work that our Geisinger adult gastroenterology and laboratory medicine teams do each and every day to stand out as a leader in the field,” said Amanda Haynes, DO, FASCP, Division Chief of Clinical Pathology Professional Services, Quality, and Operations, Laboratory Medicine at Geisinger. “This honor would not have been achieved without the dedication of all our team members. We strive to be innovative and effective in everything that we do, making better health easier for our patients.”

Geisinger Adult Gastroenterology and Laboratory Medicine launched a successful Choosing Wisely® campaign across the Geisinger system to address inappropriate use of fecal occult blood testing (FOBT). Using education and electronic tools, provider decision-making was guided toward ordering FOBT for its intended use of colorectal cancer screening in ambulatory patients.

“Identifying Champions and sharing their successes allows all of us to learn from their efforts to improve healthcare delivery,” said Lee H. Hilborne, MD, MPH, DLM(ASCP)CM, FASCP, chair of the ASCP Effective Test Utilization Steering Committee. “The Geisinger team is an exemplar of Choosing Wisely® values and the application of this effective test utilization initiative.”

WBS Penguins Holiday Hat Trick Package

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Lackawanna College Receives Award Awarded From the City of Scranton

Lackawanna College was recently rewarded $15,000 from the city of Scranton as part of the American Rescue Plan Act funding.

The funding from the American Rescue Plan Act will be used to support the Lackawanna College Counseling Program facilitated by Lackawanna’s Student Wellness Office, helping cover the cost of mental health counseling sessions for current students.

The project director for the counseling program, Student Wellness Program Director Tierny Ulmer Cresswell, is excited about the program and the care it can provide, especially with the increased need for mental health services post COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to expand mental health services here on our campus for our students. Mental health services are imperative to getting our students to graduation,” Cresswell said. “Similar with what other institutions are seeing post COVID-19, the intensity of student challenges are becoming greater – adding this level of care is necessary for students success .”

The counseling program started the 2022 fall semester and is free for any current student to take advantage of both in person, with an on-campus therapist located in Angeli Hall, and online through telehealth. Students in the Sunbury, Lake Region, Hazleton, Tunkhannock and Towanda Centers can use this service virtually as well.

“Student response has been wonderful, we surpassed the expected number of students within the first two months – that showed us quickly how much it was needed,” Cresswell said. “We are grateful to be able to provide quality mental health services to students at all Lackawanna College campuses for free. These funds will assist us to remove barriers students often face when trying to access mental health services.” 

Lackawanna College will use the funding from the American Rescue Plan Act on July 1, 2023.