Tobyhanna Army Depot Enhances Mission Readiness with Training The fate of future missions could rest on the skills honed at Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) last week, where Pennsylvania Army National Guard (PA ARNG) soldiers underwent training essential to the Department of Defense’s strategic objectives, provided by the civilians who keep them safe. Lead IT Specialist for the Tactical Network Engineering Branch Daniel Harnden guided Staff Sgt. Joshua Kleese of the 2nd Squadron, 104th Cavalry Regiment and Staff Sgt. Cody Everitt of PA ARNG Field Maintenance Shop #27 through an intensive training session on the AN/TTC-64Dv3 Command Post Node (CPN) focused on unlocking protocols and performing crucial software updates to strengthen the system. This collaborative training effort between TYAD and the Army National Guard highlights their shared commitment to ensuring personnel are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for effective field operations, ultimately strengthening mission readiness and capabilities. A CPN is a mobile communications system that provides secure voice, video, and data capabilities to military units in the field. It enables units to maintain real-time communication and situational awareness, ensuring seamless coordination and decision-making during missions. CPNs are critical for establishing tactical command posts as they allow deployed units to stay connected to higher headquarters and other operational elements, even in remote or challenging environments. The need for training was realized when the 2nd Squadron, 104th Cavalry Regiment sent their CSN to PA ARNG Field Maintenance Shop #27 for repair, but found they didn’t have the capability necessary to solve the issue. That is where TYAD came in. After a conversation with TYAD, it was discovered that existing depot personnel had the skills required to teach a troubleshooting course. Thus, a brand-new capability for TYAD was born. From Feb. 24-27, Staff Sgt. Kleese and Staff Sgt. Everitt gained invaluable hands-on experience in maintenance, troubleshooting, and testing, which will directly enhance their ability to maintain and operate their CPN in future missions. Harnden said coming to TYAD for training provides value to the warfighter in more ways than one. “Here we have a main maintenance unit for the Pennsylvania National Guard getting depot maintenance understanding of how to approach different equipment that comes in from guard units and you have a representative of the unit who owns the equipment that can take that back to his unit,” said Harnden. “It is twofold as the equipment is getting looked at and repaired and the soldier now has experience he can bring back to his unit.” Harnden emphasized that training opportunities such as these are important for warfighters as sometimes issues arise in a moment’s notice and due to the complexity of military systems, troubleshooting notes aren’t always readily available. “Trainings like this provide the opportunity for soldiers to see the stuff that is not in their books,” said Harnden. “This represents a real-world problem where a soldier may be thinking ‘This is broken. How do I approach this? How do I make this compatible in the field? I don’t have this in my books.’ Here at TYAD, they can be hands-on and take this knowledge back with them.” Staff Sgt. Kleese spoke highly of the training he received at TYAD, stressing the positive impact it will have on warfighter and mission readiness. “This training is going to help with the overall mission readiness of our unit as we’re gaining knowledge on how to fix the equipment after it gets troubleshooted at our level and we can’t figure it out,” said Staff Sgt. Kleese. “Getting that firsthand knowledge at the unit level is going to be imperative for troubleshooting in the field. Now, we have the highest level of troubleshooting knowledge we can get and we couldn’t get that anywhere else but here [at Tobyhanna].” Logistics Management Specialist Jessica Rollyson coordinated getting the soldiers to Tobyhanna. She said the ability to work together with the National Guard benefits both them and TYAD. “Collaboration is a key component of the training. Soldiers working closely with TYAD’s highly skilled technicians allows them to learn troubleshooting and repair techniques as well as familiarize themselves with the systems in real-time,” said Rollyson. “It’s a unique opportunity to enhance the synergy between those who maintain the systems and those who use them in the field, creating a more agile and well-prepared force overall.” While on-post, Staff Sgt. Kleese and Staff Sgt. Everitt were also given the opportunity to assist in maintaining a spectrum analyzer at TYAD’s U.S. Army High Tech Regional Training Site and to support TYAD’s Engineering and Cyber Technology Center by utilizing and building a Phone Box Exchange RedCom for testing, further expanding their technical expertise. The depot averages about 640 soldier training hours per year. TYAD is a recognized leader in providing world-class logistics support for command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C5ISR) systems across the Department of Defense. Tobyhanna’s Corporate Philosophy, dedicated work force and electronics expertise ensure the depot is the joint C5ISR provider of choice for all branches of the Armed Forces and industry partners. Tobyhanna’s unparalleled capabilities include full-spectrum logistics support for sustainment, overhaul and repair, fabrication and manufacturing, engineering design and development, systems integration, post production software support, technology insertion, modification, foreign military sales and global field support to our joint warfighters.
Tobyhanna Army Depot Recognizes Supervisor for Leadership Excellence Respect, trust, and accountability – Gilchrist earns Supervisor of the Quarter through expertise and values For his strong leadership, subject matter expertise, and stabilization of a crucial depot program, Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) Tactical Missile Branch Chief Don Gilchrist has been named TYAD’s latest Supervisor of the Quarter. Over the course of a three-decade career, Gilchrist has worn many hats. An Air Force veteran, Gilchrist carried on his family’s tradition of service to our nation. He served and worked for the Air Force for 16 years before joining the ranks of Team Tobyhanna as an Army civilian over a decade ago. Gilchrist’s appointment as Tactical Missile Branch Chief is the latest chapter of an accomplished and dynamic depot career that has included time spent in tactical radio, satellite communications, and in Sidewinder missiles as both a Production Controller and most recently as a Logistics Management Specialist. As branch chief, Gilchrist oversees three weapons programs – Sidewinder, Maverick, and Harpoon. Gilchrist’s approach to ensuring the branch is successful in completing its mission of providing readiness to our warfighters is two-pronged. Gilchrist first relies on his depot experience, in addition to his Air Force munitions experience, as a firsthand playbook for how to best meet the needs of customers and set members of his team up for success. “32 years I’ve been doing the same thing. When the customer comes in or the customer calls, when they talk about the program and things that they need, I totally understand where they’re coming from,” said Gilchrist. “In the same way, I can look at my employees and understand where they’re coming from and say, ‘I was where you are.’” Perhaps, most importantly, Gilchrist’s experience has been instrumental in shaping his leadership style. “It’s like [Tobyhanna Army Depot Deputy Commander] Rob Lantka says, and it’s right from the military – respect, trust, accountability – I expect that in my workers, and my workers should expect that in me. Accountability is very important – we all have a mission to do, and we owe it to the warfighter to deliver a top product.” Gilchrist believes in order to be a successful leader, create a positive workplace, and in turn maximize efficiency, one must seek to understand their employees while maintaining a healthy supervisor-employee relationship. “I understand you have a supervisor side to things, and you have to be the supervisor. But learning our people is a component, I believe, of being a good supervisor. They’re not just a name, they’re just not a number on a form that you sign – they are human beings, and you have to establish those relationships.” When the branch was in need of a leader and at risk of falling behind on orders, depot leadership knew Gilchrist’s extensive knowledge and commitment to the values of respect, trust, and accountability made him an ideal candidate. After agreeing to an initial 120-day assignment, 120 became 240, and 240 became 360 until the position was posted and earned by Gilchrist. In nominating Gilchrist for the Supervisor of the Quarter award, TYAD Avionics Division Chief John Stochla said, due in large part to Gilchrist’s leadership, the branch has enjoyed improved performance. A particular point of pride is the Sidewinder workload meeting its performance-to-promise schedules and assets per month goals, despite past challenges including parts obsolescence, lightning delays, humidity control issues, and test equipment sustainment issues. Stochla said Gilchrist’s expertise and leadership style work in harmony to foster a healthy working environment in which employees can enjoy their work while best supporting our nation’s warfighters. “As a subject matter expert from his years of working in the shop and his time as the Logistics Management Specialist for the Sidewinder Program, he is uniquely qualified to oversee this complex workload. Due to this experience, he has been able to identify bottlenecks in the process and make timely decisions to address them,” said Stochla. “Don promotes teamwork and employee development and displays a high level of energy and enthusiasm. He gives direction, provides guidance, and fields any questions or concerns that his employees might have. He takes the time to listen to their concerns and takes appropriate action. He passes information up to keep his chain of command informed, whether it is a good or bad news story. He exemplifies the Army core values, and it shows. He is respected by his peers and employees.” Gilchrist said he owes a great deal of the success he has enjoyed to his team and tries to pay it forward every chance he gets. “I can sit there as supervisor and say do this, do that, or puff myself up – it means absolutely nothing. You have to have a good team, and I have a great team. I can’t say enough good things about them and the hours that they put in,” said Gilchrist. “I’ve had a lot of good mentors over time to say go this direction or try this or try that. And I’ve tried to do that same thing with the younger employees I have to give them direction because they’re the future, and I want to empower them to say you can do whatever you want.” When he’s not at Tobyhanna, Gilchrist enjoys camping and serves as the Pastor of Lakeville Community Church in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania.
Tobyhanna Army Depot Honors Local Hero with New Award Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) recently had the privilege of honoring a local hero with the new Tobyhanna Outstanding Active-Duty Servicemember award. The Outstanding Active-Duty Servicemember award was established to commit anew to the depot’s longstanding tradition of celebrating the relationship between the workforce at TYAD and the service members they support. To be considered for the award, unit leaders must demonstrate the ways their candidates selflessly dedicate themselves to the defense of the United States, live in alignment with the U.S. Army’s core values, and are dedicated to supporting the growth and prosperity of their communities. Selected from a group of nominations pooled from active-duty units operating in the community surrounding TYAD, Sgt. 1st Class Erin Kuhlmeier of the Pennsylvania National Guard’s Headquarters Support Company (HSC) of the 55th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (55th MEB) out of Scranton was found to embody the qualities sought for the first ever recipient of TYAD’s new award. Lt. Col. Cliff Morales, Brigade Action Officer leading the Pennsylvania National Guard unit quartered in the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Scranton, proudly championed the soldier for consideration of the award in a nomination package in which he stated, “Sgt. 1st Class Kuhlmeier is a phenomenal NCO who selflessly provides guidance, direction, and care for more than 200 soldiers. She performs administration functions for her whole unit and oversees logistics and training requirements for her subordinates, all while maintaining an infectious can-do attitude.” Even before enlisting in 2009, Kuhlmeier felt a determination to be all she can be in support of her nation and community. “My grandfather was in the Navy and my father spent some time in the Army,” said Kuhlmeier. “I wanted to continue the tradition.” Kuhlmeier emphasized, “I wanted to give more to the community – this passion inspired me to join the National Guard.” In her 15 years of service, Kuhlmeier has received many awards for the excellent execution of her duties, which included deployments to Kuwait and Guantanamo Bay. In her current role as the Readiness Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) of HSC 55th MEB, Kuhlmeier oversees and manages all aspects of the unit’s readiness, including personnel administration, training, and medical readiness – ensuring the unit’s soldiers are prepared for missions. “Military service has greatly shaped who I am by embedding strong values such as discipline, responsibility, leadership, and a deep sense of camaraderie,” Kuhlmeier said. In addition to her official duties, Kuhlmeier also makes time to support her local community through volunteering at the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter in South Abington Township, Pennsylvania, and the St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen in Scranton, Pennsylvania. “Giving back and building a meaningful connection with [my community] is why I like to volunteer,” said Kuhlmeier. “It is a great feeling to know you are contributing to the community.” Kuhlmeier was honored as TYAD’s first Outstanding Active-Duty Servicemember during a midgame ceremony at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins hockey team’s Veterans Appreciation Night on Nov. 9 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. TYAD Commander Col. James L. Crocker and Depot Sgt. Maj. Michael S. Riggs presented Kuhlmeier with a bronze statue and Certificate of Achievement for her military accomplishments and contributions to her community. The president of the Tobyhanna Chapter of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) presented Kuhlmeier with the AUSA’s Distinguished Service Award along with a complimentary two-year membership to the association. “I was very humbled by the experience of receiving this award,” shared Kuhlmeier. “The team I work with is just as deserving of this award as I am, as I would not be here today if it was not for their efforts as well.” The Tobyhanna Outstanding Active-Duty Servicemember award and other military and employee recognition programs align with Tobyhanna’s long-range strategic plan, TOBY2035 – specifically the Connecting with the Community line of effort. The goal of Tobyhanna Army Depot’s plan is to strive to position Tobyhanna for success in the coming years as the Department of Defense’s premier worldwide C5ISR readiness provider. Connecting with the community and investing in its people are just two tenets of Tobyhanna’s long-range strategic plan, TOBY2035. The plan focuses on posturing the depot to support future force requirements and has additional lines of effort dedicated to ensuring C5ISR readiness across the joint services and shaping the future.
Tobyhanna Powering the Future with Energy Conservation and Innovation Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) recognizes Army Energy Month every October, supporting the Army in its commitment to energy efficiency, sustainability, and mission readiness. This year’s theme is “Powering the Mission.” For decades, Tobyhanna has embraced innovative technologies to reduce energy consumption. The focus on energy efficiency has helped the depot operate more sustainably and contributed to significant cost savings – addressing one of the Army’s largest expenses: energy. In its earlier years, the depot’s primary energy source was coal. In 1999, the organization transitioned to natural gas for its heating systems, drastically reducing its carbon footprint and winning the prestigious White House Closing the Circle Environmental Award. One of TYAD’s standout efforts is its installation of a vegetative (green) roof in 2006 to regulate indoor temperature and save energy. The 14,141-square-foot roof space was covered with sedum perennials, as soil and dense vegetation cover have exceptional insulation value. This project continues to benefit the installation today. More recently, the depot has tapped into renewable energy sources like solar energy, installing solar panels and solar walls on several buildings. “The Environmental Team needs to be creative with solutions when looking for renewable energy projects as the area and mission constrain the use of solar and wind power,” said Environmental Branch Chief Paula Mesaris. “We are also looking to integrate more smart metering capability to better understand where and how energy is used in order to better target improvements, such as building envelope improvements, rapid rollup doors, and sensor technology.” All light bulbs across the installation are in the process of being converted to LED bulbs, which use a fraction of the energy required to power traditional fluorescent bulbs and last much longer. The depot’s fleet of vehicles is gradually transitioning to electric vehicles. These government zero emissions vehicles can be charged on-post at one of several recently added charging stations. A strong, resilient energy infrastructure is key to ensuring the depot’s long-term viability. These sustainability initiatives enhance TYAD’s ability to adapt to evolving environmental challenges while remaining a dependable resource for the Army. “Reduction of electricity use and switching to carbon-free electricity producers also reduces our greenhouse gas emissions, improving climate resiliency,” added Environmental Engineer Devin Zurawski. According to Energy Manager David Ecklund, TYAD has seen a significant reduction in energy usage as a result of these combined efforts. “We have been trending downward since 2019,” said Ecklund. “The goal for 2024 was 125 million British thermal units (BTU) per thousand square feet, based on a 1.5% reduction from a 2019 baseline of 133 million BTU per thousand square feet. Tobyhanna’s actual energy use intensity for 2023 is 98 million BTU per thousand square feet, or 22% better than our goal.” Despite the depot’s success, now is not the time to rest on its laurels. It is imperative to continue pushing forward to achieve even greater results. Continuing to demonstrate environmental stewardship is directly aligned with TYAD’s strategic plan, specifically the Shape the Future line of effort. Future plans include the installation of a microgrid on the installation by 2035, as part of the Army Climate Strategy. This particular project is critical to mission readiness. “Microgrid installation will provide resiliency and reduce risk to the mission in the event of a power outage or energy shortage,” said Mesaris. Tobyhanna Army Depot is a recognized leader in providing world-class logistics support for command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C5ISR) systems across the Department of Defense. Tobyhanna’s Corporate Philosophy, dedicated work force and electronics expertise ensure the depot is the joint C5ISR provider of choice for all branches of the Armed Forces and industry partners. Tobyhanna’s unparalleled capabilities include full-spectrum logistics support for sustainment, overhaul and repair, fabrication and manufacturing, engineering design and development, systems integration, post production software support, technology insertion, modification, foreign military sales and global field support to our joint warfighters. About 3,300 personnel are employed at Tobyhanna, located in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. Tobyhanna Army Depot is part of the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command. Headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, the command’s mission is to deliver integrated C5ISR weapon systems, business systems, and medical sustainment to enable full spectrum combat operations at the point of need.
Tobyhanna Business Intelligence Leader Honored for Supervisory Excellence A focus on customer and employee experience resulted in a major award for one Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) leader. Dr. Matthew Raup was recently named Supervisor of the Quarter by TYAD’s headquarters, the Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM). The accolade honors supervisors across the command who embrace the Army values, drive innovation, and lead by example. CECOM personnel nominated Raup for the award based upon his leadership of TYAD’s Business Intelligence Division (BID) and efforts to create data collaboration across the organization and the Army overall. In addition, Raup earned praise for spearheading the Army Materiel Command Data & Analytics Summit. The July event, attended by more than 300 personnel worldwide, explored how data can enhance the readiness and efficiency of the joint warfighter. Raup said he never expected a leadership award – especially one from TYAD’s headquarters. “It surprised me because not a lot of my work is directly with CECOM,” he noted. “I thought it was really neat because I got a much greater feeling of pride in the organization.” Raup started his depot career in 2020 as the Chief of the Resource Management Directorate’s Customer Service Branch, which provides direct information technology (IT) support to the workforce. Under his leadership, the branch implemented a highly successful walk-in help center where depot personnel could receive immediate IT support and gain assistance with submitting help tickets – an endeavor focused on making life easier for Team Tobyhanna. Prior to working at Tobyhanna, Dr. Raup managed IT functions at the Pennsylvania State University and at a K-12 school district – roles that align with his personal values and pushed him towards federal service. “I’ve always had a drive to help other people. So, the idea of working for the Army and Tobyhanna really meshed well with my perspective of wanting to serve and help people,” said Raup. Raup’s personal leadership philosophy was largely shaped through his service in the Army National Guard, where he learned to empower others through respect and honesty. A self-described “employee engager,” he sees leadership as a service. “I’ve always believed that your job as a leader is to find people smarter than you and to support them in whatever they need,” he said, adding that his success has only been possible because of others. “I attribute all that I have achieved to the teams I have led here at Tobyhanna. I am proud of their accomplishments,” he said. Those who work with Raup celebrate him as an innovative leader who encourages continuous improvement. “Matt empowers us to think critically, take calculated risks, and deliver solutions that have a tangible impact on the business. His ability to bridge the gap between IT and operations has been crucial in aligning our business intelligence efforts with the depot’s overarching mission and priorities,” said Joseph Bilotta, program analyst in the BID. Fellow program analyst Edward Gliniecki agreed. “Matt’s leadership inspires the entire team, serving as a model for how to cultivate a scalable, sustainable, and impactful supervisory approach. Under Matt’s direction, the team has achieved remarkable outcomes, demonstrating the benefits of his exceptional leadership abilities. Matt’s leadership not only guides our direct team, but also drives positive change across the wider organization. “ Employee recognition programs are a key tenet of TOBY2035, TYAD’s long-range strategic plan. The plan, which has four focus areas – Investing in Our People, C5ISR Readiness, Shape the Future and Strategic Communications, aims to posture the depot to meet the future needs of the joint warfighter on a multidomain battlefield. Tobyhanna Army Depot is a recognized leader in providing world-class logistics support for command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C5ISR) systems across the Department of Defense. Tobyhanna’s Corporate Philosophy, dedicated work force and electronics expertise ensure the depot is the joint C5ISR provider of choice for all branches of the Armed Forces and industry partners. Tobyhanna’s unparalleled capabilities include full-spectrum logistics support for sustainment, overhaul and repair, fabrication and manufacturing, engineering design and development, systems integration, post production software support, technology insertion, modification, foreign military sales and global field support to our joint warfighters. About 3,300 personnel are employed at Tobyhanna, located in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. Tobyhanna Army Depot is part of the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command. Headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, the command’s mission is to deliver integrated C5ISR weapon systems, business systems, and medical sustainment to enable full spectrum combat operations at the point of need
Tobyhanna Army Depot Recognizes Employees of the Quarter Every quarter, Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) recognizes one junior and one senior member of its world-class workforce with an Employee of the Quarter (EoQ) award. Great candidates are easy to come by as there are many talented and hard-working artisans supporting TYAD’s vast and varied missions. For the 2nd Quarter of FY24, it is Michael Benner of the Installation Services directorate and Michael Rudick of the Production Engineering directorate receiving the honors respectively. Benner joined Team Tobyhanna as a firefighter in October 2020. He began his career in 2004, serving as a volunteer firefighter alongside his uncle and two cousins near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He earned a Fire Science degree from Harrisburg Area Community College, where he lived in a firehouse opposed to a traditional dorm. A native of Blakeslee, PA, he also served as a police officer with the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department and an emergency medical technician with Pocono Mountain Regional Emergency Medical Services. Benner is no stranger to the United States Army and its values as he joined the Army component of the Pennsylvania National Guard in 2012. One of the Army core values, “selfless service,” goes hand-in-hand with the type of work he performs on a daily basis. He said that helping people is something he feels naturally compelled to do. “It’s something that I’ve always done,” said Benner. “I’m very familiar with the Army values and selfless service. I feel like everybody should have these values and help their fellow persons.” Daryl Gebhardt serves as Chief of the Fire & Emergency Services (F&ES) Branch. He lauded Benner for his commitment to team cohesion and his strong sense of duty and dedication. “Firefighter Benner exemplifies selfless service through his unwavering commitment to the Army values. He consistently prioritizes the needs of others above his own, demonstrating a willingness to sacrifice personal comfort and convenience for the greater good,” said Gebhardt. “Whether it’s volunteering for challenging assignments, offering support to fellow firefighters, or going above and beyond to assist the community, Mr. Benner’s actions reflect a deep sense of duty and dedication. His selfless service not only enhances team cohesion and morale but also strengthens the overall effectiveness for the F&ES Branch.” Benner recently led a small team tasked with developing the F&ES Branch’s Box Alarms, a system that ensures a structured and standardized response posture when dealing with emergencies. To do so, Benner met with mutual aid partners in the counties surrounding TYAD to develop a better understanding of what emergency response capabilities they were prepared to provide. He worked with them to ensure they knew exactly what was expected of them should the alarm rise to their level. The partnership works both ways so that TYAD’s emergency responders may also be dispatched should an emergency occur outside the gates of the installation. Gebhardt added that Benner’s efforts have made a lasting impact on the F&ES Branch’s capabilities. “Implementing Box Alarms under firefighter Benner’s leadership streamlined resource deployment, improving response efficiency. His initiative set a precedent, inspiring others to adopt similar structured approaches,” said Gebhardt. “By optimizing response protocols, Mr. Benner exemplified proactive leadership, enhancing overall departmental productivity. His innovative strategies not only expedited emergency responses but also fostered a culture of excellence. His commitment to efficiency sets a standard for operational effectiveness within the department, while his dedication to continuous improvement drives ongoing enhancements, ensuring sustained efficiency in emergency response.” Benner said he was grateful that leadership within the F&ES branch provided him the opportunity to lead a project so early into his depot career. “The fire department is really great in letting junior members really take projects and run with them,” said Benner. “When I noticed the alarm system needed to be revamped worked on, I presented it to the chief and he gave me the full power to run with it. Strong teamwork is a concept vital to the job of a firefighter. Benner credited the individuals he worked with on the project for its success. “The team always works better when everybody puts the team ahead of themselves. Everybody benefits from it. If the team is winning, everybody is winning,” said Benner. “The people I work with, I feel like we’re all on the same page. They made it easy to take the lead because they knew what to do and when to do it. Rudick is being recognized for his efforts dealing with the AN/TPQ-53, a multi-mission radar system, and the AN/TPQ-37 Firefinder system. When Army leadership needed a quick response for the evaluation of a AN/TPQ-53, he immediately took the lead to perform the necessary testing and provide a detailed report ahead of the requested deadline. Knowing they would be required to install and upgrade the AN/TPQ-53 system software, Rudick earned his CompTIA Security+ and Network+ certificates. Getting out ahead of this requirement was critical to TYAD being able to complete the AN/TPQ-53 Pilot Program repair effort and provide technical support to fielded systems ahead of planned Depot maintenance. He also took the initiative to better himself and increase his effectiveness at TYAD by achieving his Certified Electronics Technician and Engineer-In-Training certificates. Rudick volunteered to support another requirement by developing a test capability to validate digital phase shifters, a part critical to AN/TPQ-37 Power Amplifier Modules. He developed an automated program to reduce the amount of time required for manual measurements and also worked with the Original Equipment Manufacturer to develop a better understanding of AN/TPQ-53 testing. He then provided training to fellow engineers and C4ISR technicians in order to complete depot transition efforts within the contract timeline. Mike Sherin serves as a Supervisory Electronics Engineer and works closely with Rudick. He said his efforts have made an impact on the entire team around him. “Mike consistently dives head-first in new technical challenges. His self-motivation, positive attitude, and strong work ethic are inspiring to his peers. Mike volunteers for additional work assignments demonstrating a mission-first attitude to his team members and his hands-on approach allows him to lead by doing,” said Sherin. “Mike truly puts his best foot forward each and every day and encourages others to do the same. Mike is recognized by his peers as someone who is always willing to help others solve challenging technical issues, and takes any Pathways students under his wing to ensure they have a fulfilling experience at TYAD.” The Employee of the Quarter awards and other employee recognition programs align with Tobyhanna’s long-range strategic plan, TOBY2035 – specifically the Investing In Our People line of effort. The plan aims to posture the depot for success in the coming years as the Department of Defense’s premier worldwide C5ISR readiness provider.
Tobyhanna’s Latest Employees of the Quarter Although many different things go into running a world class business, at the end of the day, it is the people that matter the most. That is why every three months, Tobyhanna Army Depot (TYAD) chooses two employees to be named their Employees of the Quarter (EoQ). On a depot of about 3,500 people, there are many great candidates to choose from. This quarter, Shana Fields of the Production Management Directorate and Raymond Loewenthal of the C4ISR Directorate have been selected as the junior and senior honorees respectively. Fields currently serves as a secretary and has been a member of Team Tobyhanna for about six and a half years. During her time at TYAD, she has provided high levels of service and support at both branch and division levels. She is responsible for maintaining communication with all 70 divisional personnel members across both the C4ISR Integration & Fabrication Division and Avionics & Sensors Division. She has been credited for her exceptional accuracy when tracking personnel pay and leave, managing government travel and purchase requirements, and ensuring requests are processed through the approval chain to meet required time and documentation suspense. Chief of the C4ISR Integration and Fabrication Program Management Division, Mike Monroe, lauded Fields for her drive and professionalism. “Shana’s service has consistently epitomized initiative, professionalism, endurance, competence, efficiency and accuracy,” said Monroe. “Those attributes, combined with her infectious, positive attitude have made her a leader within the division that all personnel come to for advice, clarity and support.” Fields is also known for trying to find new, efficient ways to achieve her work. Despite having to manage many different tasks, she has maintained a “Six Sigma” reputation for her remarkable accuracy, meaning she has the skills to find, fix and finalize efficiencies to save time and money and improve our nation’s ready forces at the best value. This laser focus is directly credited for the division’s seamless record in meeting suspense dates on all tasks and correspondence. Monroe said that Fields’ selflessness is one of her most admirable qualities. “Shana is known for her willingness to take on further work and responsibility,” said Monroe. “Her attitude and work ethic consistently bring great credit upon herself and are recognized across the organization as someone who always puts her fellow employees, and the mission to support the Warfighter, ahead of herself.” Fields said that receiving this honor only solidifies the appreciation she has felt ever since she started at TYAD. “One great thing about my job is that I have never felt unappreciated,” said Fields. “It feels great to receive this honor. I feel as though it reinforces the acknowledgement I have received here for a while.” Known for his ability to take initiative and work diligently, Loewenthal is an Electronics Mechanic and has been a member of Team Tobyhanna for 18 years. When his team recently experienced a failure to the MSS AN/TRC-194 terminal that prevented them from performing final testing and inspection of assets, Loewenthal sprang into action and was able to determine the failed component, work with engineers to find a replacement, and work proactively with his teammates to install it. His hard work and ingenuity restored the terminal to full mission capable status. Chief of the MILSATCOM Branch, Christian Cognigni, commended Loewenthal for not only setting a great example for his teammates, but also living the Army Values. “Mr. Loewenthal set a great example for new employees and seasoned co-workers alike. His actions demonstrate taking ownership of his workload, identifying priorities, good problem solving skills and excellent communications skills. He also displayed initiative, focus, diligence and attention to his assigned duties,” said Cognigni. “His example in this effort reinforces the Army Values and has been recognized by other departments within the TYAD organization.” Loewenthal’s efforts benefitted TYAD in both the near and long term. Not only was the MSS AN/TRC-194 Satellite Terminal restored to full operational status in a timely manner, but the attention brought to this failing part has ensured no down time will be incurred if it is a problem again in the future. Cognigni said that he appreciates Loewenthal’s willingness to do something that is outside of his usual responsibilities. “This entire effort was outside his ‘comfort zone,’” said Cognigni. “Ray needed a degree of courage to take on this responsibility for us and we appreciate him stepping up.” Loewenthal has also been selected as the CECOM Employee of the Quarter. He said that he appreciates being recognized for his hard work. “It feels great to have received this honor,” said Loewenthal. “Although I have had a long career, it takes time to earn great things so I couldn’t be happier that the work has paid off.”
Tobyhanna Recognizes Employees on National Tradesman Day Tobyhanna Army Depot observed National Tradesman Day on September 16 by shining a spotlight on some of its expert tradesmen and saluting all tradesmen who contribute to the organization’s mission. The depot employs artisans in a variety of trades for both mission and base operations. Many of these tradesmen work in the Directorate of Systems Integration and Support (SIS), supporting refinishing and manufacturing operations vital to Tobyhanna’s overall mission supporting the joint warfighter. Kenneth West is a General Equipment Repair Mechanic in the Systems Integration and Support Directorate. He chose to enter a trade simply because he had a passion for vehicles. West said he grew up riding and racing dirt bikes as a hobby and that he’s always felt a sense of gratification when learning how to take things apart and put them back together again. His father did a lot of mechanical work, which allowed him to get his initial look into working in that profession. His passion for hands-on learning led him to the Motorcycle Mechanic School in Orlando, Florida which allowed him to get his start in the power sports industry. After spending a few years working at a small mom and pop store and then at Electric City Harley Davidson, West joined Team Tobyhanna in 2019. Working in the Tactical Vehicle Branch, West is a member of the depot’s High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle shop where the team receives vehicles and then performs resets, repairs, inspections and more. West said he and the team understand how important the work they do is for our nation’s warfighters, and they take great pride in ensuring their work is done at the highest possible level. “We’re helping out the Army and other branches of military by fixing these vehicles and making them mechanically sound for other bases and ultimately the battlefield,” said West. “Everyone in this shop takes pride in what they do. Every Humvee is worked on by a trained professional so that they’re sent out in the field one hundred percent mechanically ready to rock ‘n’ roll.” Electronics worker Melvin Pena-Rivera is a member of Team Tobyhanna’s innovative Pre-Production and Planning Branch, responsible for onboarding and developing comprehensive processes for new cable workloads. The Branch’s mission was attractive because of its wide range of projects, Pena-Rivera noted. “I like a challenge, and here I get the chance to do something different every day. I also can use many of the skills I have acquired to overcome the unique challenges presented during the prototyping process.” Creativity runs in Pena-Rivera’s family – his father was a painter and sculptor, and Pena-Rivera himself enjoys artistic expressions such as producing original music, drawing and 3D modeling in his free time. A relative newcomer to the depot, Pena-Rivera joined Team Tobyhanna in 2018 after emigrating to the United States. He left his home country of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria decimated the island, resulting in few job opportunities. Despite having to start over, Pena-Rivera tries to bring the experience from his previous careers to his current one. “Working as a technical engineer and drafter in Puerto Rico gave me skills and insight that I use to make Tobyhanna’s mission successful.” Outside of his creative endeavors, Pena-Rivera enjoys movies, stand-up comedy and returning to Puerto Rico to spend time with his favorite two people: his daughter and his mother, whom he cites as a personal and professional inspiration. “My mom is the hardest working person I know, and I’m proud to be her son.” Tradesmen are also employed in other capacities at the depot, making meaningful contributions to the organization’s mission. Gregory Kipp works in the Production Engineering Directorate, sustaining the critical equipment that powers the Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) warehousing system. Kipp and his co-workers play a key role in the logistics support required to achieve Tobyhanna’s mission. A graduate of Johnson College, Kipp originally pursued a career in computer engineering, but quickly found he would rather make his living pursuing his passion. “As a kid, I drove my parents nuts taking phones, calculators, and other things apart. During my early college years, I realized how much I missed that practical type of work, so I decided to change course.” Kipp subsequently earned a degree in Electrical Construction and Maintenance and joined Team Tobyhanna in 2004. He says he’s never looked back. “I truly enjoy what I do, whether it’s troubleshooting a challenging problem or simple maintenance. Getting to do it with people I like is a bonus.” Paul Deprimo, Chief of the Mobile Equipment Branch, says Kipp is a huge asset to his team. “Greg continually strives to expertly maintain and repair any and all equipment he is responsible for, and does so with professionalism, dedication and pride.” In his free time, Kipp enjoys cooking, woodworking, and spending time with his two young daughters. An avid movie-watcher, Kipp also boasts the unique achievement of having seen his favorite film, “The Fifth Element”, an astounding 140 times.
New Blast Booth Expands Upon Tobyhanna’s Diverse Capabilities As a part of Tobyhanna Army Depot’s (TYAD) continuous mission of providing top-of-the-line support and being the best value for the warfighter, a new blast booth was recently installed in the C4ISR Finishing Center to improve processes in the shop. Artisans in the Systems Integration and Support Directorate previously used blasters that shot aluminum zirconium at the asset being worked on, however those that work in the new booth will use blasters that fire small pieces of plastic at the asset. The use of this plastic media is an alternative to hand sanding sensitive assets, which is a very time intensive process. It also allows for more versatile capabilities when it comes to the removal of certain layers of an asset. Aluminum zirconium is an abrasive form of media, so much so that it goes as far as removing the plating off an asset when working with it. Conversely, the plastic media is much less abrasive and allows depot employees to just remove the coating, for example. Although the plastic media is very diverse in its capabilities, it doesn’t totally eliminate the need for aluminum zirconium as the latter substance is more effective when working with corroded assets and will still be heavily relied upon at the depot. Supervisory Production Management Specialist Thomas Petroski said that this new capability is great not only for depot employees, but also for our customers and the warfighter. “The use of plastic blasting media grants us with many advantages that were previously unavailable to us,” said Petroski. “It replaces a lot of sanding that is done by hand, it reduces the repair cycle time which saves our customers time and money and it also allows us to process some work faster than before so we can get these assets out on the battlefield quicker.” Like the C4ISR Refinishing Center itself, the new blast booth is also Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certified, which allows TYAD to play a significant part in being good stewards of the environment. The 25 by 40 foot blast bay has a reclamation system all across its floor. As the plastic media falls through the grates on the floor, the reclamation system separates it from the other coating residue that comes off an asset and cycles it back through to be blasted once again. The plastic media can be cycled about 10 times before it becomes so fine that is no longer useable. This new blast booth provides Tobyhanna with expanded capabilities and is directly aligned with Tobyhanna’s long-range strategic plan, TOBY2028-2035, which has four focus areas: Investing in Our People, C5ISR Readiness, Shape the Future and Strategic Communications. TOBY2028 aims to posture the depot for success in the coming years as the Department of Defense’s premier worldwide C5ISR readiness provider.
Tobyhanna Modernization Efforts Support Future Warfighter Needs Electronics Engineer Mark Sgobba briefs Maj. Gen. Edmonson during the QUB. (Photo Credit: Thomas Robbins) Modernization and growth were the main points of discussion during this week’s quarterly update brief (QUB) at Tobyhanna Army Depot. Maj. Gen. Robert Edmonson, Commanding General of the U.S Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), and Command Sergeant Major Kristie Brady spent three days with Team Tobyhanna during a wide-ranging visit that included tours, interactions with the workforce, and briefings on current Tobyhanna modernization initiatives. Much of the QUB focused on the recent visit of the Organic Industrial Base (OIB) Modernization Task Force. The cross-functional Task Force team toured TYAD on November 8, the first in a series of visits to the 23 depots and arsenals within the OIB. Their mission is to determine what is required to support the Army Materiel Command (AMC) 15-year OIB modernization strategy, launched earlier this year by AMC Commanding General Edward Daly. The phased plan focuses on ensuring the OIB is prepared to support all future Army requirements. While some of the Task Force’s stops will be conducted with a critical eye, those involved say the team came to Tobyhanna to learn. Maj. Gen. Robert L. Edmonson addresses Tobyhanna personnel during a recent visit. (Photo Credit: Thomas Robbins) “The Task Force was focused on how the Army can capitalize on the nearly $1B in modernization efforts that have transformed TYAD’s facilities and ensure we are prepared to support warfighter requirements today, tomorrow and into the future,” said Katlin Edmunds, adding that the depot is further investing in four focus areas that support its future vision: to provide full-spectrum support for the Department of Defense’s communications and electronics readiness needs. “We will not stop growing – we continue to evolve our C5ISR readiness, cable, radar, and systems integration capabilities to expand our footprint,” she said. Edmunds leads the Strategic Initiatives Office. During the visit, Edmonson urged Team Tobyhanna to challenge their existing perspectives and ensure the organization is consistently focused on supporting future warfighter needs. “This [the OIB Task Force effort] is bigger than us, and it will have significant effects for years to come. Our focus must not be on what is best for us – but rather, what is best for America’s warfighters.” Gen. Daly will brief Congress in early 2022 on the OIB Modernization Strategy. The briefing will include findings from the OIB Modernization Task Force as well as funding recommendations to best support emerging warfighter requirements and Army Futures Command 31+4 modernization initiatives. Tobyhanna personnel pose with CECOM personnel during the recent quarterly update brief. From L to R: SFC Brent Leverette, CECOM CSM-Enlisted Aide; CPT Ashley Cooper, Aide-de-Camp to Commanding General; Command Sgt. Maj. Kristie Brady; Maj. Gen. Robert L. Edmonson, CECOM Commanding General; Tobyhanna Deputy Commander Frank Zardecki; Depot Commander Daniel L. Horn; Morgan Monts, Financial Management Analyst, CECOM; and Depot Sgt. Maj. Michael J. Wiles. (Photo Credit: Thomas Robbins) Tobyhanna Army Depot is a recognized leader in providing world-class logistics support for command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C5ISR) systems across the Department of Defense. Tobyhanna’s Corporate Philosophy, dedicated work force and electronics expertise ensure the depot is the Joint C5ISR provider of choice for all branches of the Armed Forces and industry partners. Tobyhanna’s unparalleled capabilities include full-spectrum logistics support for sustainment, overhaul and repair, fabrication and manufacturing, engineering design and development, systems integration, post-production software support, technology insertion, modification, foreign military sales and global field support to our joint warfighters. About 3,700 personnel are employed at Tobyhanna, which is located in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. Tobyhanna Army Depot is part of the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command. Headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, the command’s mission is to empower the Soldier with winning C5ISR capabilities.