Light the Night Walk The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Scranton volunteer hosted Light the Night Walk will be held on September 25 at Nay Aug Park. Register now to bring light to the darkness. Scan the QR code below or go to to register. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night Walk funds treatments that are saving the lives of patients today. LLS is making cures happen by providing patient support services, advocating for lifesaving treatments and pioneering the most promising cancer research anywhere.
CaPAA Enchanted Trunk or Treat CaPAA will host their annual Enchanted Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 30. A safe alternative to trick-or-treating including games, activities, food, and entertainment for a well-rounded fun family outing. Individuals, businesses and organizations are invited to become trunk hosts or volunteers for this event. Contact Carole at 570-435-9012 for more information.
NeighborWorks and The Azek Company Kick Off Paint the Town 2021 NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania, along with The AZEK Company, will be hosting the 2021 Paint the Town volunteer event between Monday, August 30 and Friday, September 3. Small home repair, interior and exterior painting, and yard clean-up will be provided to six older adult headed households in West Scranton.The AZEK Company, the innovative manufacturer of beautiful, low maintenance and environmentally sustainable outdoor living and home exterior products, is providing all the exterior materials, including their high-performance engineered decking, which decreases the need for upkeep and maintenance, securing the safety of the older adults receiving the product. The AZEK Company is also providing approximately 30 volunteers to complete the projects.Also providing volunteers to complete the repairs for older adults are FNCB Bank, who will be providing installation assistance of NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania’s safety kits, which include items such as LED lights, night lights, hallway lighting, nonslip mats for entry ways and bathrooms, fire extinguishers, CO2/smoke detectors and other essential items to increase safety in the home. Other FNCB Bank employees will join The AZEK Company in completing small home repairs and painting.Marywood University’s Bachelor of Social Work students will be supporting safety efforts for older adults by assisting in yard clean up for a West Scranton older adult resident, removing fallen branches and beautifying the yard.For more information and a schedule of events please contact Mary Endrusick, Aging in Place Coordinator at 570-954-0637. Learn More
Marywood University Students, Alumni, and Staff Volunteer to Spring Clean at Nay Aug Park in Scranton Marywood University students, alumni, staff and family members volunteered this past weekend to help clean up Nay Aug Park, Scranton, Pa. Organized by The Greenhouse Project, and Debbie A. Frable Welby and Paul Welby, Memorial Rose Garden chairpersons, Scranton, Pa., Marywood volunteers assisted with work on two areas for new flower beds and benches. The volunteers cleaned, weeded, raked, and bagged more than sixty bags of leaves, and they spread two truckloads of red mulch. Pictured (left to right) are: Logan Casebolt, family member; Mary Errico Casebolt, Marywood University alumna; Ann O’Brien, assistant director of Service-Learning and Community Service; Sarah O’Brien, (front) family member; Tommy Flynn, undergraduate student; Sister Rachel Terry, IHM, campus ministry associate; and Courtney Loughlin, graduate student.
NeighborWorks Seeking AmeriCorps VISTA Summer Volunteers Looking for a fun and meaningful way to spend your summer? NeighborWorks is seeking two responsible, self-motivated individuals to provide 10 weeks of service, June 7 to August 13, 2021, through AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America). NeighborWorks is a nonprofit organization that revitalizes neighborhoods and creates opportunities for families to improve their lives through quality housing and financial guidance. VISTA Summer Associates are an integral part of our dedicated, hardworking team, which is devoted to bringing low-income individuals and communities out of poverty. About the PositionVISTA Summer Associates will work with residents and volunteers to improve West Scranton and serve seniors through NeighborWorks’ aging in place program by: • Coordinating volunteer home repair projects• Installing home safety kits for seniors• Visiting businesses to enroll them in a business association• Coordinating neighborhood and park cleanups• Maintaining vacant lots• Picking up litter along main commercial corridors• Documenting and reporting quality of life issues (code violations, missing street signs, etc.) This position requires a commitment to serve as a full-time team member for a 10-week period this summer. Although this is a non-salaried volunteer position, VISTA Summer Associates receive a bi-weekly living allowance and are eligible for an education award or cash stipend at the end of their term of service. For more information about the AmeriCorps VISTA program, visit Qualifications• U.S. citizen at least 18 years of age• Ability to work independently on a variety of projects and lead others in service activities• Excellent verbal and written communication skills• Basic computer skills, including proficiency in Microsoft Office• Valid driver’s license and privately owned vehicle for service-related travel How to ApplyApplications will be accepted until May 7, 2021, or until the positions are filled. To apply, email your resume to Todd Pousley, Neighborhood Revitalization Manager, at
Swift Kennedy Volunteers Help Distribute Food Employees of Swift Kennedy’s Scranton branch volunteered to assist with a food distribution program sponsored by the Scranton-based Keystone Mission at its Wilkes-Barre office on January 28. Over 250 people received bags of food and clothing at this event. The Swift Kennedy volunteers included William Fleming, Sr., Camille Holmes, and Jessica Smitchel.
VNA Hospice and Home Health Community Sock Donation Drive Success Every year the Christmas holiday tends to bring out the best qualities in our human race. A time for giving, placing others needs before our own, and donating a priceless gift of volunteered time. In November, our Volunteer Coordinator, Marina Pambianco, and our amazing volunteer network organized a local donation drive requesting pairs of socks to be distributed in the month of December along with Meals on Wheels food delivery. Our goal at VNA Hospice and Home Health was to collect 1000 pair of socks for those in need. This year the Visiting Nurse Association ASKED and our community ANSWERED loud and clear. We are overwhelmed with the tremendous community response. The total number of sock pairs collected for our VNA “Sox in the Box” donation collection was 3,410 pairs of socks. Yes, three thousand four hundred and ten beautiful, whimsical, uplifting, warm, and loving pairs of socks donated from various schools, patrons, churches, and community organizations in our local area. We are humbled and grateful to share this news and are especially thankful to the students and faculty who embraced this request at St Mary’s in Dunmore, LaSalle Academy in Jessup, parishioners from Queen of Angels in Jessup, Christ the King in Archbald and Eynon, Our Lady of Mt Carmel in Dunmore, Holy Cross in Olyphant and Sacred Heart in Peckville. There are so MANY WONDERFUL community members who donated to this great request and we have planned on sharing this sock bounty across Lackawanna County. Meals on Wheels will receive 2,000 pairs of socks. Therefore, each client will get 2 pairs of socks for Christmas and the rest will be distributed to local nursing homes and support agencies to brighten and uplift others this holiday season. This is a great introduction to the newly implemented, “VNA Smiles for Miles Project” which will begin for all VNA patients, families, and caregiver staff with recent funding provided by the Scranton Area Community Foundation. What a tremendous reflection of our community’s kindness and generosity! VNA Hospice and Home Health would like to wish you all good health and happiness this holiday season. May your hearts always be filled with love and kindness and your feet always be warm! United we stand, Onward and Upward we Achieve.