The Catherine McAuley Center Expands Services

Members News

The Catherine McAuley Center expands services to include single fathers and intact families.

For many years, the Catherine McAuley Center has provided shelter to women and children experiencing homelessness. However, recognizing that there are still unmet needs within the community, the center is thrilled to announce its expansion of services. In addition to providing shelter to women and children, the center will now also offer assistance to single fathers and intact families.

The Catherine McAuley Center acknowledges that homelessness is a complex issue that affects individuals from all backgrounds. According to Executive Director Krista Murray, “Our decision to broaden our services was driven by the realization that there is a lack of resources for single fathers and intact families in our community that are experiencing homelessness.” The center is eager to begin assisting these groups in their journey towards a brighter future.

For more information on these expanded services, please contact the Catherine McAuley Center at 570-342-1342.