The Rotary Club to Host Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends Fundraiser

Members News

The Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends fundraiser is coming up in October – here are a few event details:

Boscov’s offers non-profit organizations the opportunity to sell discount passes giving shoppers 25% on most items purchased during the one-day sale – this year it’s Wednesday October 18.

The discount passes are $5 and shoppers get 25% off their purchases (most items there are some exceptions with lower discounts) – a great deal for the shopper and Rotary Club keeps the $5.

Historically, the Rotary Club has used these funds to buy dictionaries for local 3rd graders – each 3rd grader gets their own dictionary.  The teachers love it because each student gets their own personal dictionary.

In addition to the dictionaries, this year they hope to raise enough $ to start Interact Clubs at Scranton High School and West Scranton High.

The Club asks each member to sell 5 passes – but notes that more than 5 would be wonderful. If passes can’t be sold it’s OK, selling passes is voluntary, but the value of the ticket is apparent and it’s really an easy sell.

IMPORTANT CHANGE – Due to the # of non-profits participating this year, they will have fewer hours to sell tickets in store on the day of sale – meaning greater effort will be needed and there must be emphasis on early ticket sales. The Rotary will still have a table at Boscov’s the day of the sale but not for the whole day – they will need volunteers to staff the table on October 18th.  It’s a fun time so sign up with Ty!

Ty Holmes is heading up this fundraiser – show support and contact him for discount passes – or 224-436-0110